For some time now, you have been dreaming of Elizabeth Gilbert, a heroine of "Mange, Prie, Aime", alone with her backpack in search of inner peace. Yes, but what are the precautions to take when you are a woman traveling alone?

To answer these questions, there is a digital book: "the art of traveling alone when one is a woman", written by two adventurers full of mischievousness, Ryan and Aude. The idea is to break the prejudices and help the adventurers to realize the journey of their dreams. Through seven chapters, the two authors distil advice and memories, recounted by a heroine drawn and playful answering the name Zoe.

But what do you need to know before going alone on an adventure?

Through the book, you learn a lot of tricks to walk around the world safely. But there are things essential to any good solo trip.

  • Preparation: A good journey is a pre-pa-re trip! Keychain of clothes (practices more than beautiful), kit for pharmacy but also questions like menstruation or depilation: as much data to envisage not to galley during your trip.
  • The budget: Another essential, the budget! Because unfortunately, life is not Pekin Express and the indigenous people do not always so willingly adventurers misled. That's why you need to tie up a budget and plan for a repatriation anywhere in the world. Look at your VISA contract, for example, it may provide for this type of insurance.
  • Language: Do you panic at the thought of having to speak English with strangers? Say that despite the "international" aspect of this language, few people around the globe speak good English. You just have to start, (and do not hesitate to illustrate your words with gestures)
  • Adaptation: You are free as air and proud to walk around alone? Yes, but do not forget that some of the countries you go through do not have the same rites and customs as us Europeans! Inquire beforehand so as not to ruffle the inhabitants, respect the status accorded to the woman in that country and remain respectful in all respects!
  • Trust: So, of course, we are not going to advise you to trust any unknown crusader at the turn of a mountain road in the Mongolian back country. Though. Ideally, you can "prepare" your meetings by searching on the web for self-help groups, for example, or you have to count on the other adventurers you will come across on your way. One thing really important though: you trust yourself!

All you need to know to go alone safely on the digital book of the same name.