• Gentle shampoo and aloe vera to fight oily hair

Use a wash and rinse water, preferably warm or cold. The hot is the enemy of oily hair. Also remember to space the washes by using dry shampoo. You can also apply your mild shampoo directly on dry hair, leave it to act for about twenty minutes then rinse. In general, choose products with neutral ph to which you will add a little gel with aloe vera, for guaranteed efficiency.

  • Natural masks to pamper the scalp

To eliminate the excess sebum at the origin of oily hair, nothing beats the soft and natural products from the Orient. Clay, Aleppo soap and rhassoul have been used for thousands of years to purify the scalp and restore balance in sebum. It is possible to use these products in hair mask or shampoo. For a homemade mask, combine 5 tablespoons of clay powder with 2 tepid water, mix well and simply apply on the roots of the hair. Leave for at least half an hour and rinse with warm water.

  • Spices and plants help greasy hair

Cloves, rosemary, thyme, meadowsweet, Scots pine ... Prefer shampoos made from these plants sources of well-being and sweetness. They all have the ability to regulate excess sebum, cleanse the scalp and fight effectively against greasy hair. For those who want to go further and make their own care, just boil 1/2 liter of water, then add two or three tablespoons of one of these herbs or spices, let infuse 1 hour and filter. Use the lotion obtained as a rinse aid.

  • Essential oils to overcome oily hair

Lavender essential oil has an anti-sebum action. It slows the production of the sebaceous glands and cleanses the scalp. Other oils such as sage, rosemary, tea tree, grapefruit, cedar, lemon or basil have the same effect. Mix at least 3 of these oils and add about 3 drops to a dose of your usual mild shampoo. Apply, gently massage the roots and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  • Diet and oily hair

Oily hair is often a sign of hormonal imbalance or lack of certain nutrients. To counter this phenomenon, focus on your plate. Favor foods rich in copper, manganese, vitamin A, B1, B2 and B6 . Wholegrain cereals, dried fruits, yeast, wheat germs, legumes, citrus fruits and yellow fruits help to rebalance the production of sebum, do not deprive yourself of it.