Who said it was mandatory to go sweat indoors to lighten?

Our coaches offer us some exercises * that are easy to do to sculpt the silhouette of our dreams.

  • The basin survey

What muscle? Our buttocks.

How? Lying on the back, legs bent, feet parallel spread shoulder width, we put his arms on the carpet, the long body, and raises his pelvis before making it down, without touching the ground.

We exhale while ascending, we inspire while descending.

Concrete buttocks with the exercise of the survey ... by marieclaire-fr

  • The dips

What muscle? The triceps, the back of the arms.

How? This exercise requires taking a chair. One places one's hands on each edge of the chair, with legs bent, as if sitting in a vacuum. Then we go down and we go back to the strength of the arms (not with the legs).

We inspire the descent and expire on the climb.

Firm arms with dips by marieclaire-fr

  • The crunch

What muscle? The big right, the abdominal muscle that allows us to have the "chocolate bars".

How? Lying down, the lower back slightly off the ground, legs bent, we place our hands on the temples. The chin is slightly raised, the gaze turned to the ceiling. The bust is rolled forward by contracting the abdominals and tightening the perineum.

We inhale through the nose at the beginning of the movement, then we exhale backwards. We make sure to control the descent.

Concrete abs and a flat belly with the ... by marieclaire-fr

  • The scissors

What muscle? Thighs.

How? One jumps legs from front to back, like a chisel. For more results, we can bend the legs at 90 ° (as if we wanted to make a crack).

Burn calories with scissors exercise by marieclaire-en

  • Oblique leg readings

What muscle? Obliques. By working on them, one refines one's size.

How? Lying on the side, half-buttocks on the carpet, legs one on top of the other and they go up to the ceiling while trying to keep them as tense as possible. Then we make them go down, without touching the ground.

We inspire while raising the legs, then we exhale on the descent.

Refine your height thanks to the statement of legs ... by marieclaire-fr

We take out his carpet, go for a home fitness session!

* For each exercise, do 4 sets of 10 repetitions.