Practical, these large fluid dresses follow the movements of the body with an airy look, without ever really revealing it. Their youthful sensuality and casual style, offer a delicate and dreamy silhouette, like a girl in bloom.

Its bohemian, gipsy or hippie chic influences, play with the material through games of transparencies, cutouts, floral or ethnic prints, while favoring the lace, the crochet, or the cotton voile for canvas. background.

As for the colors, they are intense, neutral or pastel. In short, charming associations where discreet femininity and nonchalance intertwine.

How do you wear the long dress?

The long dress is often assimilated into the collective unconscious at the holidays. However, it can also be worn in the city. Just know the tips.

  • In the city

We must break his side too nonchalant and romantic. The idea is to wear it with a pair of sneakers, such as Converses for example. Or, rather, play a folk spirit, with boots of the Camargue type.

As for accessories, we do not do too much. A bag slung or purse-shaped, will do the trick. The important thing is that it is not too imposing, not to fall into the cliché "beach bag".

Accompanied by a biker style Perfecto jacket and a belt to emphasize the size, you are ready to tread the macadam!

  • On holiday

If you are in the country or on the beach, it is nice and warm. You can wear your robe with tropéziennes or pretty flat sandals. For small, opt for a pair of wedges to lengthen your figure.

On the side of the accessories, play cool chic side with a nice long necklace, a Panama , a shopping bag or a nice basket.

Discover our selection of the 25 most beautiful long dresses for spring-summer 2017