We enter gently in the cold winter and it is not yet time to prepare a beach body to be at the top on the beach this summer. In short, it's the perfect time to succumb to comforting recipes that do not warm our hearts!

Cheese against the cold

Yes, it sounds a bit like a motto. When temperatures collapse, there is comfort in the food, especially in mountain dishes from Savoy, Switzerland, Auvergne etc. Their common point? Cheese, real star of these seasonal dishes. Tomme, Comté, Beaufort, Reblochon, Camembert, Mont d'Or ... whatever it is, the cheese strong in taste present in these different recipes brings flavor and originality to these dishes that we usually eat hot and with family for a truly warm and friendly moment .

How to choose a good cheese?

It is sometimes ignored, but cheeses are seasonal products. Refining time, pasture characteristics, climate etc. affect the quality and variety of cheeses produced during the year. In winter, the animals do not consume fresh grass and their milk is therefore less rich and generally less tasty, with the exception of Vacherin-Mont d'Or. Winter could be an unfavorable time for cheese tasting, but - fortunately - some are tasty all year long because once produced at the time when the pastures are green, they are very good. This is particularly the case of the county, Beaufort, Cantal, laguiole or salers that can be enjoyed whatever the season!

Discover in our slideshow 10 mountain recipes that make us love winter!

1/10 Tartiflette
Pinterest / Lavender and Lovage

Pinterest / Lavender and Lovage

2/10 The fondue
pieces of bath in a cheese bowl
iStock / margouillatphotos
3/10 The roast camembert
roasted camembert with rosemary
Pinterest / Nathalie's kitchen

Pinterest / Nathalie's kitchen

4/10 The squeegee
melted cheese falling on a potato
iStock / margouillatphotos
5/10 Aligot
Pinterest / EAT SMARTER

Pinterest / EAT SMARTER

6/10 The croziflette
individual croziflettes
Pinterest / Tangerine Zest

Pinterest / Tangerine Zest

7/10 Mount roasted gold
roasted golden mount
Pinterest / aime-mange.com

Pinterest / aime-mange.com

8/10 pâté potatoes
potato pie
Pinterest / Virginie Fouquet
Pinterest / Virginie Fouquet
9/10 gratin crozets
Gratin De Crozets
Pinterest / Marmiton

Pinterest / Marmiton

10/10 Laminated Reblochon
Reblochon puff pastry
Pinterest / cuisineetvinsdefrance.com

Pinterest / cuisineetvinsdefrance.com

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