The potato diet, what is it? Invented by nutritionist Jean Michel Cohen, the potato diet is for people who want to refine their silhouette. To do this, one condition: eat only dishes based on starchy foods, but above all, potatoes!

How it works ?

Friends of french fries, you will be disappointed. Potato yes, but no frying! Contrary to popular belief, the potato is not bad for the line since it contains only 79 calories per 100 grams. Everything depends on how it is cooked. For a "light" potato, steam, water or bake. And for this diet, the daily consumption must not exceed 1400 calories.

Sample menu

Morning : No solid foods. Choose coffee or tea (no sugar), and fresh fruit juice (preferably orange juice).

Lunch : A potato salad. For seasoning, consider non-fat sauces or herbs.

Evening : Potato soup as a starter, followed by a plate of potatoes stuffed with mushrooms and baked.

What advantages?

Rather effective, the potato diet can lose 4 to 5 pounds in one month; even if according to Jean Michel Cohen, this diet should not be followed more than 7 days. In addition, the potato, rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and minerals, gives energy and gives a feeling of satiety.

What are the disadvantages?

On the other hand, very little varied, and low in calories, the potato diet remains difficult to follow in the long term and presents a high risk of deficiencies. That's why this slimming program is not suitable for people suffering from obesity but more for those who would like to refine their silhouette.

And after ?

Once achieved, the results do not last, unless you bounce back on another slimming program. The potato diet is more in line with the idea of ​​a diet to prepare for the follow-up of a more rigorous slimming program.