Generally located on the thighs, buttocks and sometimes even on the belly, cellulite is made up of piles of fat that lodge under the epidermis to form cellulite and give our skin an unsightly appearance.

And as if to fight cellulite, if sports and diets are not enough, sometimes you have to adopt one of these anti-cellulite techniques.

Distinguish the three types of cellulite to better overcome

There are four different types of cellulite, which are important to identify in order to understand why we have orange peel and how to get rid of it:

  • Adipose cellulite, usually related to a weight problem.
  • Aqueous cellulitis, due to poor venous and lymphatic circulation.
  • Mixed cellulite, which is a concentrate of fat and water cellulite.
  • And fibrous cellulite, installed for a very long time, is difficult to eradicate and painful to the touch.

Anti-cellulite cream and palpate-rolling: a formidable tandem

Among the best known and most practiced are the traditional anti-cellulite cream, combined with a palpate-like massage to enhance the effects of its destocking assets.

An effective anti-cellulite cream is a suitable anti-cellulite cream: you choose your cream according to the area you want to treat. To boost the effects of its slimming cream, we take advantage of each application to massage conscientiously.

We start with the legs: starting from the knee to gently go up to the top of the thigh, we pinch and roll the skin between his fingers to penetrate the cream. At the level of the buttocks and the belly, one massages his anti-cellulite cream by making circles more and more broad with the palm of the hand.

Finally, to finish the massage - and eventually get rid of excess product before jumping in his jeans - smooth the skin with the palm of his hands, always leaving the knee to go back to the belly.

The importance of drainage to fight cellulite

To reinforce the effects of anti-cellulite creams, we also focus on the benefits of drainers to dilute in a large bottle of water, which act from the inside to purify the body and capture fat.

And for more efficiency, we consume between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day, which can be flavored with freshly cut fruits.

Anti-cellulite treatments in institutes: pro techniques

In case of cellulite persistence, a few sessions at the beautician with an anti-cellulite device can have a miracle effect. Cellu M6, Celluwave, Ultra Shape ... Each of these anti-cellulite techniques corresponds to a particular area or result. We also do not hesitate to consult a professional who will guide us and help us fight cellulite.

Finally, a good diet accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity will help to reduce or even eliminate cellulite.