No more daily aperitifs with friends

Between two sweet cocktails and three cheese puffs, he smelled your summer! Alas, we do not teach you anything by telling you that this culinary routine is absolutely not recommended to keep the line. Now, in the week at least, mourn crisps, peanuts, puffs of all kinds, and alcoholic cocktails and very sweet!

We allow ourselves the "snacks"

If the aperitifs are proscribed, the "snacks", they are allowed! Of course, it's not about gobbling up a whole bunch of cakes at 4pm. However, having fun with a square of dark chocolate is widely permitted, even recommended! And for good reason, dark chocolate is a very good ally: antioxidant, good for morale and also for the cardiovascular system. Rich in fiber, protein, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins, the almond handle is also a great alternative.

woman eating chocolate

We eliminate toxins

Once or twice a week, it is always good to follow a small detox program. Start the day with a lemon juice (or mixed with water) to eliminate toxins. You can also eat half a grapefruit or a few pieces of pineapple because these fruits burn fat. All accompanied by a cup of green tea. At noon, we do not fool ourselves, but we remain reasonable. Seasonal vegetables, raw, cooked or in salad, accompanied by a little poultry or a white fish. Finally at dinner time, we eat light. A soup or vegetable broth is excellent for your transit.

We resume the rhythm smoothly

Back home, we leave our idleness in the summer. The opportunity to get back to the rhythm and to move again gently. In this regard, we take advantage of every opportunity to exercise: prefer the stairs to the elevator or escalators, walking or cycling for short distances, etc. And for the more adventurous, why not settle down, once a week, a little running around the block, or some fitness exercises at home?

woman with slices of cucumber on her eyes and one in her mouth

We think "cucumber"

Yes, at all points of view, the cucumber is your ally of the return. As for beauty, the cucumber reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes (because getting back into the rhythm of active life is not easy ...) but it also tightens the pores and illuminates your complexion. Finally thin side, the cucumber is very low in calories, depurative and diuretic. Rich in fiber, it is excellent for intestinal transit. What's more, thanks to its high content of mineral salts, cucumber generates an appetite suppressant effect.