• There are far too many characters

It took us two whole seasons to begin to understand who was sleeping with whom, who hated who, who allied with whom ... And two more seasons to understand that the actor who played Daario Naharis was no longer at all the same head since Ed Skrein, the first actor, had resigned from the series (funny choice ...). It took us ten episodes to explain to Jules, who catches up to four seasons (yes, he hibernated all the time), that those with white hair were the Targaryen, and that those who had the darker blond hair was the Lannister. Let's not talk about alliances, the five kings, the North, the South, the East, the Nera, Port-Real or Brandon Stark and its curious powers ... How can we hope that a film, and costly, is it possible to make us understand the stakes that are established between the different characters of Game of Thrones? In addition, in the cinema, one can not put "pause" to reflect on what has just been said: "oh, but then it was for that Jaqen H'gaar ?? And Gendry is the son of that, to finish? "

Daario Naharis actor change Game of Thrones

  • Two hours of Game of Thrones is too short

A movie about the Game of Thrones universe? Come on, even if the producers play the audacious by offering us a 3:30 am film, we all know that we would not have enough! What we like in the series is also the suspense, the wait and the incomprehension that prevail between two episodes. We find ourselves in the corridors of the office, on the social networks, in the toilets of a bar to try to untie the plots that are played, we invent scenarios, we build hypotheses ... which are confirmed or destroyed in the " next episode. We like this expectation, this irrepressible desire to get answers. So, Game of Thrones in the cinema, on the plane of suspense, it would rhyme to what? Two hours of film, without break, with many characters and many dead (yes, because already in the series, there are many, imagine the whole condensed in a film). And after these two hours, nothing more. Oh, of course, depending on the success, we would promise a follow up ...

Daenarys where are my dragons game of thrones

  • The loooooong scenes we would miss

Okay, in Game of Thrones, there's action, blood, lots, sex, too. But the charm of this series is also the long scenes of dialogue between two characters, the long shots of the magnificent landscapes, the importance of the details. How can a film transcribe all the information we need to understand the plot without ignoring what makes this series so tasty: personalities of the protagonists? How to love Tyrion Lannister without listening to him imitate the cousin lingered before Jaime? How to have tenderness for Samwell Tarly without hearing him recite his knowledge, without watching him fall in love with Vere? Everything would go too fast in a movie on Game of Thrones and the Seven Kingdoms would probably lose their flavor. The long ellipses on the characters would be shortened and there would be no focus on a specific moment. For example, the screenwriters have chosen to dedicate an entire episode to the Battle of Nera or the Wall. In a film, these scenes could not have lasted more than ten minutes.

Tyrion and Jaime Lannister before trial Game of Thrones

  • We would try to put the full view

We understand that dragons grow and that they cost more and more expensive (Ah, so that's why Khaleesi ...) A big budget film seems to be the solution. Okay, but what we like about Game of Thrones, above all, are the characters, the actors, the little phrases and the looks that have become cults: the intimacy of a "You know nothing Jon Snow" is worth more than a great fire-spitter made in synthetic images. What would be worth these special effects, these gigantic dragons facing the subtle magic of the Red Lady, simply armed with tiny leeches or facing the verve of Lord Varys or Petyr Baelish? We would be in full view during the war scenes, but would we see the intimacy of a love scene between Robb and Talisa or would we rather dwell on the fascinating brilliance of the Greek fire?

you know nothing jon snow game of throne

  • We would always want more

No film, however good it may be, can replace long hours huddled against his man to watch Arya Stark struggle with everyone, to attend helplessly at the red wedding, to feed the plan to finish with Joffrey Baratheon, laughing at the escapades of Tyrion, being reversed by the incestuous behavior and castrateur of Cersei Lannister ... Two hours of film, even if it is a trilogy, could never equal in sensations the 40 episodes already available of the series ... Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) would even have the right to cut his hair between two films, so they would time to finance a second opus, Lena Headey (Cersei) would have twice as many tattoos to camouflage the makeup and Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) would have grown too much and would be unrecognizable (and always more naughty). No, with a movie, nothing that makes the universe of Game of Thrones would be the same. And since we would not be satisfied, we would eventually serve the prequels of history, which, if they are certainly very good, would not talk about our favorite heroes since the plot takes place 90 years before the adventures of Daenarys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister and Sansa Stark ... Nothing would be the same and we, we like to wait on small screen this winter that never ceases to come!

Tyrion Lannister Alcohol Game of thrones