Octopuses for premature infants

If the octopus is far from the cutest animal on the planet, as a comforter, it is a real ally for maternity . Why ? Because the tentacles of this model of amigurumi are designed on the model of the umbilical cord. A resemblance that reassures babies born prematurely, who cling instinctively to these tentacles of wool as if it was the umbilical cord of their mother. Result? A milder start to life for premature infants. Moreover, this doudou therapy from Denmark has convinced the nursing staff, so much so that in the maternity, the small octopus are placed next to the babies in the incubators.

How to participate ?

Whether you are a beginner or a pro hook, embarking on the making of a small octopus can be distracting while doing a BA. To participate in this operation of international solidarity, we can also count on the help of a star brand of DIY: We Are Knitters who provides a free boss to allow us to make an octopus the right size. Indeed, the model can not be improvised, it must strictly respect the needs of very premature babies. To discover the instructions step by step, so we go on the blog of the brand (www.weareknitters.fr/blog/), we choose his favorite wool and we start! If the model is not the most obvious, it will necessarily happen with a little perseverance. Once the blanket is finished, all that remains is to offer it to the nearest hospital. On the internet, there are also associations that take care of receiving small octopus and transmit it to hospitals!

To your hooks!