The Indians "red skins" owe him their nickname ...

The history of the urucum and its uses goes back to that of pre-Inca civilizations. Its very name comes from the term "rucu" used by the Tupis Indians to refer to the fruits of Bixa orellana . Originally from Amazonia, the urucum was revealed to Westerners more than 500 years ago through Portuguese expeditions. It was the Portuguese who named the Amerindians bordering the Amazon "the red skins" because they used the powder of urucum to cover their faces, and thus protect themselves from the aggressions of the sun and mosquitoes.

Its beta-carotene levels make the carrot pale!

100 times richer in beta-carotene than carrots, urucum is full of this natural treasure found in many fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene belongs to the great family of carotenoids that are both pigments and antioxidants. Its advantage lies in its very high concentrations of beta-carotene but also in its levels of complementary antioxidants, such as vitamin E. As good for browning the skin as to protect it from the oxidizing effects of the sun's rays, urucum is the only one of the best bronzing partners of spring! Its first "good-looking" effect moves, as the cure progresses, into a true self-tanning effect. No more sunburns at the first rays!

How to choose a product with urucum?

The quality of the urucum is determined by its mode of cultivation, biological desire, as well as by its transformation, ideally artisanal. However, faced with the growing demand of the market, it is often grown and prepared industrially. In order to offer the best of the urucum, Selva Sana chose the Amazon rainforest as a breeding ground and production site. The fruits are grown according to the principles of organic farming, in the most absolute respect of the environment, while the seeds, extracted by hand, are simply ground to obtain the precious red-orange powder. Preserved as it is or agglomerated in tablets with as few excipients as possible, the powder then concentrates all the richness of the wild urucum.

How to use urucum?

Internally - For a good preparation of the skin for sun exposure, count 3 tablets a day in 1 or 2 doses or 2 teaspoons of urucum powder.

Externally - To give a beautiful tan to the skin, it is also possible to make a good-looking oil by mixing 45 ml of carrot macerate, 5 ml of urucum powder and 5 drops of vitamin E. After stirring everything and let stand a few days away from air and light by shaking the bottle from time to time, collect the filtrate of the mixture and transfer it in a clean and hermetic bottle, you can then apply 2 drops of the product on your face previously cleaned.

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