The speedminton, for those who want to spend themselves

Mixing tennis, squash and badminton, speedminton - or speed badminton - is the perfect discipline for those who like to run in all directions! No bounded field or maximum number of players: you have to move quickly to be the first or the first to return the steering wheel. The outdoor sport par excellence, the speedminton is played with shorter racquets than badminton and a heavier wheel, which offers better wind resistance. Small specificity: the speedminton is funnier if you play in an unusual place. Empty pool, roof of building ... The more difficult the terrain, the better!

It's good for me if ... I want to work on my stamina and reflexes. Running and jumping after driving is a great cardio exercise that helps you develop responsiveness while working all the muscles in the body, and burn calories while having fun!

To practice the speedminton, I need: A racket, a steering wheel (about 40 € the game of two rackets and two wheels) and especially a good pair of all-terrain sneakers!

Aquaboxing, for those who want to tone up

Decidedly, water sports are popular! After aquabiking and aquafitness, the new discipline in vogue is aquaboxing. A mix of water aerobics and body-combat, this discipline helps to tone muscles and skin without the risk of injury. Ideal to let off steam, aquaboxing is working in a pool, with water up to the chest to offer maximum resistance, and music! No real fight however, rather aquatic choreographies based on kicks and punches.

It's good for me if ... I want to work my balance: better to be well assured on his feet under penalty of drinking the cup on the first kick. Aquaboxing is also perfect for toning and fighting against cellulite!

To practice aquaboxing, I need: a swimsuit, a hat and a pair of special gloves (about 16 €).

The TRX, for those who want to strengthen their muscles

Those who like to be able to do sport everywhere and all the time have found their discipline: the TRX! Inspired by military training, the TRX is a system that strengthens muscles through a suspension system. For this, we use straps that can be fixed anywhere (door jamb, pole, no matter when it is high!) To which we hang by the arms or legs. The effort related to the suspension of the weight of the body and the resistance of the straps solicit all the muscles.

It's good for me if ... I'm not afraid of a very intense training, it's not for nothing that the Marines practice it! 30 minutes a day is enough to get very fast results.

To practice the TRX, I need: a set of straps (from € 24) and a sportswear close to the body.