For 15 years, the Yves Rocher-Institut de France Foundation has rewarded women who are committed to the planet and to sustainable development .

What if it was me?

In parallel to the Prix Terre de Femmes, whose winners will be announced on March 30, the Yves Rocher Foundation is organizing a video contest open to all until February 2, 2017. The objective? Valuing women who are committed to making things happen. To participate, simply log in to the SocialShaker platform, and post a link to a video where you describe, within a minute maximum, a woman of inspiration for you . A good way to highlight those that deserve recognition and whose fight is close to your heart. In addition, the designers of the 10 most popular videos will have the opportunity to attend the international ceremony of the award of the prize Terre de Femmes 2017 , Thursday March 30, in a prestigious place.

What if we were to support these exceptional women?

Want to follow the example of the winners and get involved? It's possible ! From a simple relay on social networks to help publicize the fighting of the laureates to a volunteer mission , on the ground, everyone can work for change! On the website of the Yves Rocher Foundation (by clicking on "Give a helping hand" ), one can indeed consult a catalog of offers of "thumbs up" which lists the requests for help formulated by the laureates to accomplish a task, reach a goal, realize a project ... It's up to you to see according to your availability and your skills! It is also possible to make a donation to the Foundation , from € 5.

A prize for women

In 15 years , the Yves Rocher Institute of France Foundation has allocated a total of almost 2 million euros to 350 women, enabling them to go even further in their actions for our planet ... A great initiative to highlight the combat of these altruistic and involved women who struggle for a better world. Gradually, the foundation has succeeded in developing a dynamic community, supported by women who are committed to protecting the environment on a daily basis ... and encourage all goodwill!