The sweet gym is for everyone! It is of course recommended to the elderly in good health: it is a pleasant way and without risks to maintain the form, to improve its flexibility and to protect its articulations. Pregnant women can also practice soft gymnastics. Without any danger for the mother or the baby, some exercises are perfect to relieve a backache, to improve the blood circulation in the legs, or to calm a tension in the neck and the shoulders.

People suffering from anxiety or depression will find calming in the regular practice of meditation-enhancing gymnastics, such as yoga or Tai-chi-chuan. Finally, the soft gym is also recommended for sportsmen, especially after a workout: it relaxes all the muscles and relieves the joints hurt by the effort.


Tai chi chuan is generally practiced in groups. It consists of memorizing a series of sequences, always standing, sometimes holding a stick. It can be done outside if the weather is nice. Yoga has many more ground figures. Some of them require you to work your balance (you have to stand on one leg, for example). The pilates method alternates exercises that solicit the muscles with stretching. Finally, Body Balance combines most of these sports, all in music! Stretching, postural ball or sophrology will help you find inner and outer well-being. Halfway between gymnastics and soft medicine, these practices will have therapeutic virtues on your health.


You can choose different types of soft gyms, depending on the benefits you expect. They will help you relax, improve your balance and flexibility while strengthening muscle tone. Tai-chi-chuan requires less muscle. It is true that the muscles of the thighs work if you perform the sequence while keeping the legs slightly bent, but it is not obligatory. On the other hand, this sport improves the coordination and brings a deep relaxation. Pilates strengthens muscle tone. Many exercises are targeted at a part of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, the lower back, the spine or the glutes. It is therefore perfect for those who have a specific goal (relieve a backache, refine the size ...).

It's up to you to choose your type of soft gymnastics according to your desires. Need meditation to relax? Firming her thighs before summer? Or still find a flat stomach after the excesses of winter? The soft gym will help you to build up smoothly, without causing pain and leaving aside the cardio aspect.