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For shortbread

30g grated Comté cheese 12months
40g sliced ​​raw ham, cut into small cubes
40g of flour
40g of butter

For garnish

10 asparagus tips (about 10cm)
2 thin slices of Comté 24 or 12 months
3 tablespoons dried tomato confit
1 knob of butter
6 baby onions

For the decoration

A little chervil, chives or fresh parsley
Some pine nuts roasted for decoration
Espelette pepper


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

2nd step

Mix Comté, ham, flour and butter by hand to obtain a smooth paste.
Roll this dough 5mm thick with the rolling pin between 2 sheets of parchment paper.
Remove the sheet of parchment paper from the top.

Step 3

Cut out 2 rectangles of 4cm x 10cm dough.
Bake the 2 rectangles on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper for about 20 minutes, until they are golden brown.

Step 4

Meanwhile, boil some water with salt in a saucepan.
Prepare a salad bowl with cold water and ice cubes.
Wash and peel the asparagus on 2cm using a peeler from the end.
Cut the ends so that the asparagus is the same length as the shortbread (about 10cm)

Step 5

Tie them together.
Cook asparagus for 5 minutes in boiling water and then immerse in ice-cold water.
Drain and reserve.

Step 6

Peel the baby onions and cut in half.
Brown 5 minutes onions in a knob of butter in your pan.

Step 7

Once the shortbread is cooked and cooled, spread tomato confit on top.
Then put the asparagus next to each other.
Cover the asparagus with a thin slice of Comté cheese without covering the ends.

Step 8

Spend 3 minutes under the grill, while the Comté slice melts slightly.

Step 9

Decorate the shortbreads with baby onions, Espelette pepper, a little chervil or other fresh herb and roasted pine nuts.

Step 10

Enjoy with a small salad.

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