To stay young
To have beautiful teeth
To have beautiful hair
To prevent wrinkles
To defeat free radicals

To stay young

I take : vitamin A. It is anti-oxidant and therefore anti-aging and helps our body to produce keratin, essential to protect the skin.

I find it in : eggs, oysters, tuna, chicken, carrots, spinach, broccoli, mackerel bananas and yogurts.

To have beautiful teeth

I take : Vitamin D, very good for bones and eyesight.

I find it in : milk, emmental, liver, tuna, cod liver oil and ... the sun's rays!

To have beautiful hair

I take : Vitamin B excellent also to trigger more collagen and thus promote a smooth skin, but also for the nervous system.

I find it in : wholegrain rice, oatmeal, beans, mushrooms, avocados, beef and veal, and nuts.

To prevent wrinkles

I take : vitamin C, which helps the formation of collagen and helps the body's defenses. An excellent partner to fight premature aging of the skin.

I find in : oranges, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, Brussels sprouts, fennel and veal liver.

To defeat free radicals

I take : vitamin E, which, in addition, stimulates the regeneration of cells. Very effective in slowing the aging of the skin.

I can find it in : vegetable oils, avocados, wheat germ, soy milk, salmon, butter and whole grains