After the buddha bowl or avocado toast, a new food trend has appeared on the web: purple foods. Colorful and good for health, they give us every reason to love them. Salty, sweet, hot or cold dish, we discover a new way to have fun in the kitchen. We explain everything about this new food trend.

The purple ball

Why do these foods have the ribs? Because they are rich in anthocyanins, very powerful antioxidant pigments, reputed to be excellent for our health and our skin. So we put on the menu, through the seasons, what nature offers us in the violet palette: red cabbage and onion, aubergine, salads carmine and Treviso, blueberries, blackcurrant, blackberries, plums, black grapes ... We're embarrassed selecting !

The neo-violet

More fun, we also discover the indigo varieties of vegetables usually paler: cauliflower, potato (vitelotte), carrot, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts, radish Gournay or "red meat", basil ... Even cabbage kale, hyper trend, also exists in this color (variety "Red russian").

The magic of colors

You can also play apprentice colorists, with natural pigments. Raw grated or mixed raw beetroot is unmatched for tinting risotto, hummus or gravlax salmon ...

To go further, full of innovative ideas are to be found in the book Cooking colors, create dyes 100% natural , Sandrine Costantino (72 pp., 13.50 €, ed La Plage).