The dry hair has a dull and rough appearance , due to the absence of the hydrolipidic film (a mixture of sweat and sebum) covering all the hair and which has the role to prevent the drying of the scalp . From then on, the hair is brittle and tangles very easily.

How to fight dry hair?

But we are also partly responsible for this loss of brilliance . The daily, and often harmful, treatments that we do have an impact on the health of our hair. By dint of being mistreated (brushing, sweeps ...), the scales of the hair become less regular and therefore less smooth to the touch.

The gestures to avoid :
To have healthy hair, you need to make good resolutions.
We must say goodbye to:

  • Permanent, frequent brushings, dyes, discolorations
  • Too sudden disentangling, styling products containing alcohol which have the effect of drying out the hair.

The right actions

To keep hair full of vitality, we prefer protective and nourishing products based on shea butter or jojoba that have an ultra moisturizing effect. The hair is massed along its entire length to penetrate the nourishing active ingredients in the fiber and close the scales of the hair. The use of curling irons and smoothing plates is limited to a minimum. It is also thought to use the hair dryer to 2 or 3 cm of the scalp and to position the variator to the minimum because the heat dries them. Finally, opt for a natural fiber brush in order to smooth the hair fiber without being attacked and massaged at the same time.