The makeup fixer, what is it used for?

Aliénor : To fix her makeup, we have two possibilities: the first is to prepare her skin to receive the makeup and give her something to "hang on". The second option is to spray a spray to fix the final makeup! Of course, you can combine both! The idea is to keep our make up all day and night if necessary!

What is the difference between fixing base and fixing spray?

Fixing bases are used to prepare the skin. They are usually in the form of cream or gel. There are also more targeted, for the lips or the eyes. For the lips, there are primer stick or pencil: they smooth the lips and allow a better application and a reinforced hold of the lipstick. Primers for the eyes are in the form of cream; they fix and intensify the makeup. To check, you must test on the back of the hand: apply eye shadow with and without base, you will see which has the most brightness. Fixing sprays are used to give a more natural and fresh look to the make-up, while ensuring a perfect hold. Some sprays also have moisturizing properties or protect against UV rays.

How to choose your makeup fixer?

It is chosen according to its type of skin and the desired action. If you have dry skin, you will prefer a moisturizing spray. On the other hand, if you have sensitive skin, it is better to avoid fixing sprays containing alcohol. As for the oily skins, they will prefer the smoothing bases that possess a matifying action!

How does a session with a makeup fixer take place?

To apply the foundation, a small amount of product is taken (no need to put too much) and spread all over the face like a cream by insisting on the zone T. If you only opt for a fixing spray, you can spray it on your own skin and moisturized before applying makeup to the complexion. It will have the same fixing action as the base. For an impeccable natural complexion all day: spray a little spray fixing in a dab of foundation. This will dilute a bit the foundation and prolong its fixing power!

To intensify your eyes and allow a better hold of the eye shadows, apply your eye primer on a clean eyelid: a very small amount is necessary. It is applied as a cream on the entire moving eyelid and at the level of the lower lashes if you want to add make-up or pencil. For even more intensity in your colors, spray a little spray fixing on the brush before taking the eye shadow.