47% of French people today report having regular back pain, compared to 30% 30 years ago. Between constant stress , sedentary life and sitting days, the scourge spreads at full speed.

80% of the time we spend the posterior screwed on a seat , which moves the center of gravity of the body and disrupts the balance of muscle chains. Some muscles, like the glutes, work less than they should. And others, like the paravertebrals, are solicited to excess . In addition, "the seated position tends to erase the lumbar curvature of the spine, explains Professor Jean-Jacques Le Huec, head of the orthopedic-traumatology department at the University Hospital of Bordeaux. By force, the discs crash and tensions appear at the bottom of the back.

Ineffective medications

The first reflex is often to relieve pain with anti-inflammatories and analgesics. But as a study from the University of Sydney (Australia), published in the British Medical Journal, notes, paracetamol provides limited help: it is no more effective than a placebo. And other painkillers (ibuprofen, Voltarene ...) have cardiovascular risks during long-term use.

When the pain is very intense, morphine brings a noticeable relief. "But it hides the pain and does not treat the cause," says Dr. Isabelle Negre, head of the pain clinic at Bicêtre Hospital. The best is to reduce the medication and use complementary therapeutic approaches synergistically.

Osteopathy and chiropractic to remove blockages

These manual techniques give good results in case of lumbago. The more recent the pain, the more it will yield with the manipulations. Check right after the acute phase for optimal results.

The compilation of several studies conducted in 2017, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, proves it: "the adjustments of the spine alleviate the pain of about 10 points on a scale of 100 and improve the mobility in people suffering from low back pain, "says Caroline Lambert, vice president of the French Chiropractic Association (AFC).

Backache: Do not stand still

If the pain is severe, put your back to rest for 24 to 48 hours at most. But then, you have to move. Contrary to popular belief, prolonged bed rest aggravates pain , increases stiffness and reduces muscle tone, which creates a real vicious circle. "It is better to keep a normal physical activity as long as the pain is bearable," says Marianne Estève, a physiotherapist at the Thermes d'Aix-les-Bains.

But do not do any movement for as much. You must save your back by avoiding carrying loads (basket or heavy folder) at arm's length. "Keep them as close to the body as possible," advises Caroline Lambert. Stand up, do not keep the same position too long: put one foot on a step or a low stool. And in a sitting position, protect your lumbar by sitting near the edge of the chair, feet flat on the floor and shoulders relaxed.

Against lumbago, two new solutions that work

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation defuses pain. It bypasses the transmission of the nervous message to the brain and stimulates the release of endorphin, a natural painkiller. For mild to moderate lumbalgia, electrotherapy patches based on this principle are now available in pharmacy (Urgo Patch). And for severe and persistent lumbago, an implantable neurostimulation device has just arrived in France. Called ReActiv8, it consists of a mini-box equipped with two electrodes that a surgeon inserts on each side of the spine. An external remote control activates the case to generate electrical impulses when the pain is manifested.

PCP therapy - or continuous deep pressure - can also sustainably release. This method consists in exerting strong pressure (from 1.5 to 20 kg) on ​​the deep postural muscles in order to release stiffened muscles, ligaments and tendons. The skeleton is then repositioned naturally and repetitive lumbago disappear. Five to six sessions with the physio are often enough to overcome rebel back pain.