A fast and painless noninvasive protocol

"The use of yarns with different characteristics depending on the case to be treated has revolutionized aesthetic medicine for several years by providing an effective, non-invasive and scar-free response to facial rejuvenation ," says Nicolas Richard, director of laser and anti-cancer centers. Linline . "With this experience," he continues, and attentive to the demands of patients suffering from a loss of tone of certain parts of the body, arms , thighs , buttocks , belly , we have developed a protocol associating an SMA laser session. TM , Space Modulated Ablation , to a new generation of wires, called remeshing. "

SMA technology (a fractionated laser beam that delivers a multitude of microscopic impacts) stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in a dramatic regenerative effect. Two months later, a session of son strengthens the action of the laser. Composed of a very reliable resorbable material, these smooth threads, of different lengths and a little thicker than the hair , are deposited under the skin using a needle. Their positioning, vertical and horizontal, to a centimeter and a half from each other, creates a real mesh. The benefit is threefold: the yarns provide immediate support for the tissues while promoting collagen synthesis and dermal regeneration. Then, while they disappear spontaneously after eight to twelve months, a process of fibrosis settles in their place. Fast and painless, with no noticeable side effects, no social predation and no scarring , this protocol brings a remarkable skin tonicity and rejuvenation.


To be on top in the spring , it is now necessary to make an appointment, because the time to be respected between the laser session and the laying of the threads is two months.

The price : from 1 490 € the complete protocol (SMA laser session and laying of wires).

Information : Linline medical and anti-aging laser center , 1, rue de Montenotte, Paris 17th, tel. : 01 84 17 51 12.


Elodie, 57 years old: a more hydrated and luscious skin

"For a few years, I was fixing on my arms . I found them limp and flabby, and I no longer dared to wear sleeveless clothes. A nightmare for me living in the Var, where the climate requires wearing light clothing! The arrival in France of an innovative skin tightening protocol has given me hope. After a first appointment, questions worried me: what if the laser caused burns? Can my body reject the wires? ... But after having documented myself, I threw myself into the water. When the handpiece delivered its light impacts on my arms I had no unpleasant feelings . The session lasted about an hour and the treated areas were red, as after a good sunburn .

Fifteen days later, my skin seemed denser but I had to wait another month for my arms to be really more toned and firm. "Then came the day of the laying of the threads. When the doctor drew their future journey under my skin, I panicked. But I did not feel anything thanks to the anesthetic sting, although I was not reassured to see the inside of my arm bristling, from the elbow to the armpit , a multitude of fine and flexible needles. Then the doctor withdrew them quickly, while the threads, incorporated into the needles, were fixed to the tissues. Same for the other arm. Half an hour later, I put on a vest to hide some hematomas, and I go to work. Side result, nothing visible for a fortnight then gradually my skin appeared more hydrated and pulpy, as fed from the inside. Six months later, my arms found their youth ... But for how long? "


"Elodie can be reassured: SMA technology has proven itself abroad, especially in Russia and Eastern Europe, where it has successfully treated 100,000 patients in a decade. As for the yarns, they are composed of polydioxanone, a resorbable material, perfectly compatible with human tissues and used for decades for surgical sutures. If it is rejected, it can only be due to a bad positioning or an infection. Regarding the effectiveness of remeshing, it is related to fibrosis, a phenomenon that doctors know well. We can compare the threads to a plaster that supports a damaged limb while waiting for the body to refine the bones. Once formed around the threads, the fibrosis takes over and keeps the tissues in their new position, a strength that is increased by the tight grid of the areas concerned. All these parameters make it possible to evaluate at one year the duration of the effects of the protocol after a single session of laser and son placement, and to two years if a second session of son was practiced, approximately two months after the first . "

* Dr. LO, aesthetic doctor.

Patricia, 52: "I could see my thighs rejuvenate live!"

"From age 50, my thighs , so firm until then, seemed to have emptied, and I was ashamed to put myself in a swimsuit . It's a nurse friend who told me about this new protocol, non-invasive, fast, painless and safe. The doctor with whom I made an appointment examined my skin and asked me about my lifestyle, and explained the treatment. Scheduled on a Friday, the SMA laser session would allow me to rework from the beginning of the following week. After the passage of the handpiece, a very thin white film resembling frost appeared on my skin, quickly giving way to redness . The immediate application of a good layer of soothing cream was essential, and it was absolutely forbidden to wash the treated areas for twenty-four hours. "

"After five days, the inner side of my thighs was already smooth and plump. Then the results grew, bringing to my skin, in just two weeks, a visible tone and density. I was delighted! The laying of the wires, two months after the laser session, was just as simple. The anesthesia being local, I attended awake rejuvenation of my thighs . Putting the needles made me think of mesotherapy. Today, with five months of hindsight, I am proud of their shape. Next step: the firming of my belly with this same protocol. "


"Repetitive weight loss, poor diet , lack of regular sports activity ... Add to this trio the breakdown of collagen following menopause , and sagging skin is installed! The combination of SMA technology and remeshing threads gives convincing results. But this protocol is not magic: it does not slow the aging of tissues, and the new skin to which it gives birth will age at its own pace. In case of significant relaxation, it can not be a substitute for surgery, such as lifting the arms or thighs, which is accompanied by more or less heavy scars. "

* Dr. YJ, aesthetic doctor.