In medicine, epigenetics rhymes with magic as this discipline of biology opens the therapeutic horizons.

The young scientific branch is exploring the influence of the environment and our personal history on the expression of our genes. "Our DNA is made up of 10 to 15% by our genetic inheritance (the gains of 7 generations), which determines a large part of our behavior and our physical characteristics. The remaining 85% was long considered a junk DNA. A decade ago, we discovered that, on the contrary, this last part could be reformatted according to our way of life, "explains Dr. Valérie Leduc, who has just opened a Paris office dedicated to" medicine of beauty ".

The professional is raving about the medical prospects of epigenetics. Exciting perspectives are emerging in terms of therapies, especially against cancer or obesity. In the medium term, "epi drugs" that will act on the flexible part of DNA could emerge.

For the time being, Valérie Leduc highlights the conclusions of a 75-year American study that indicates that five criteria would make it possible to act on the flexible part of our DNA: a natural and balanced diet, a regular practice of sport, good stress management, work pleasure and a quality social network are the factors that allow you to live better and age better.

Epigenetic medicine: how does it work?

"This is especially important for the first time since modern times, life expectancy has stopped growing in 2004. It even decreases since 2008, because of the new toxicity of our environment. Today, a baby who is born has a life expectancy lower than that of his parents.

In this context, epigenetic medicine is a fabulous opportunity, "says Dr. Valérie Leduc. This phenomenon is dissected by Dr. Dawson Church in his bestseller "Genius in Your Genes" published by Dangles ( Drawing on nearly 300 scientific studies, the doctor of integrative medicine and natural medicine, who is also a researcher in energy psychology, demonstrates the extraordinary power of healthy living and also beliefs about cells.

A hundred of our genes can be effectively activated or deactivated in less than 3 seconds by our thoughts, our emotions, our experiences. These genes decisively affect our immune system and our ability to fight disease.

When thought acts on DNA

Much of our DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, such as the environment - pollution in the head - but also thoughts, emotions. This discovery made the link between psychology and physiology.

In a long interview to a web TV (Lilou TV), Dawson Church explains how pleasant emotions - joy, pleasure, gratitude ... - trigger a massive secretion of DHEA by the adrenal glands. This hormone of healing repairs the cells, strengthens the bones, clarifies the complexion, slows the installation of wrinkles. Fear, anxiety, anxiety, on the contrary, induce a release of cortisol. Stress hormone par excellence, it leads to a drop in muscle mass and bone density, slows down the production of new cells, increases fat intake around the waist and hips, breaks down memory and learning abilities .

In short, positive thinking rejuvenates the body, while anxiety accelerates aging. "Hence the absolute urgency to master one's thoughts and re-orient one's emotions (through meditation, for example)," concludes Dr. Dawson Church.

A major anti aging lever

"We can not take care of the outside without taking care of the interior," says Valérie Leduc. "When you plant a flower, it's better to do it in fertile soil, rich in nutrients. I can improve the quality of the skin but if it lacks manganese, potassium ... it may not last, "says the doctor.

Also, the first step of a journey in his new center of "beauty medicine" consists of a medical assessment based on epigenetics. Thanks to a very thorough questionnaire, your way of life is combed through. Morphology, weight, known risk factors, sleep, stress, memory, energy level, friendly and couples relations, projects, professional activity, goals, digestion, hormonal treatments ... everything goes.

Then comes the Oligo Scan review. By scanning the palm of our hand, a probe measures our oxidative stress and evaluates our tissue reserves in 20 trace elements and minerals, but also our possible overloads of heavy metals. By crossing these results and the questionnaire, she draws with you a roadmap - food, alternative medicine, micro nutrition ... - designed to build a deeply rejuvenating way of life. "The techniques in aesthetic medicine are then more effective and sustainable," says Dr. Leduc. Medicine, psychology and aesthetics have never been so close.