We jump in his sneakers full of ardor, super motivated, and patatras ... cramps, bruises or tendinitis we paralyze! Small or big sores, it relieves presto the evils related to sport .

Ouch! Cramp

A very sharp pain in a calf, thigh or toe, which stops our momentum? It's a cramp: a sudden and involuntary contraction of a muscle

The reflex : stretching the affected muscle by making several times the opposite movement to the one that caused the cramp, just to untie the contraction. Then perform a light massage to continue to relax the muscle and, if at home, apply ice.

Ouch ! A breakdown

The pain that radiates in the thigh or calf is much more intense than a cramp. It is a breakdown: a rupture of the muscular fibers.

The reflex : take paracetamol immediately to neutralize the pain and apply ice on the hematoma to prevent or reduce swelling. In the aftermath, consult your doctor as soon as possible, because you must put the injured area at rest, and provide rehab sessions for the physio.

Ouch ! Tendinitis

The pain occurs rather after a poorly executed or too repetitive movement. This same movement then becomes painful almost permanently. The reason: an inflammation of the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone.

The reflex : apply ice as quickly as possible to reduce inflammation. Normally, the rest is enough (we must avoid stimulating the affected tendon), but it is better to consult your doctor to assess the severity of tendinitis and be prescribed analgesics or anti-inflammatory.

Ouch ! A bruise

After a shock (fall, blow ...), a huge blue is formed? This is a sign of contusion: a vessel has been crushed and blood is accumulating under the skin.

The reflex : apply ice to stop the bleeding or a cool spray in case of pain, then a compressive bandage to limit the swelling. You can also take an analgesic (avoiding aspirin which may aggravate the bleeding) and, if the skin is not damaged, pass an ointment type arnica.