They have often been criticized for being too fat and too rich in quick sugars. It's not false. Since then, manufacturers have revised their revenues downward: a 5 to 20% reduction in the content of fast sugars and reduced fat content . It's up to us to pay attention to the caloric contributions, which vary according to the products. Less than 10% of lipids , it's all good. Know that the nuts, chocolate or fruit Crueslis are very rich in added fat. The puffed versions are not very fat but very sweet. The palm goes to those stuffed with chocolate, five times fatter and almost as sweet as the puffs. Obviously, these are the favorites of our children! To please them while limiting caloric intake: alternate or mix genres.

We must consume 20 to 30 g per day, which is far from the case. The breakfast option that covers between 20 and 50% of our needs (depending on the nature of cereals), while having fun, we are for. The best is to choose whole grains since most of the fiber (and vitamins and minerals ) is contained in the envelope. The top for fiber : oatmeal .

The great interest of cereals is to be consumed with milk . The latter provides protein and calcium , essential to be in shape all morning. The recommended amount is 30 g of cereals per 125 ml of milk. For children , you can go without hesitation up to 60 g of cereals 125 ml of milk to prevent energy losses during the morning.


"Consumers who regularly eat whole grain take less weight than the average population, have a much lower risk of death from heart disease, and are at a reduced risk of becoming type II diabetics," says Martine Champs, director of the Center for Research in Human Disease. Nantes human nutrition. Wholegrain cereals are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, and provide minerals and almost all vitamins B and E antioxidants .