Role of catabolism
Catabolism is a mechanism of the human body that creates energy once the large molecules in the body have been transformed into smaller ones. We also speak of process, or reaction, of biochemical degradation, which is opposed to that of construction, produced by anabolism, the two together forming the metabolism. Catabolism applies to lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins for example.

How catabolism works
The phenomenon of catabolism can be described in several major stages. The human body first absorbs many molecules, including the consumption of food, whether it is sugars or fat, for example. During digestion, these large molecules are degraded by enzymes, that is to say that the organism will operate a sort by which it will produce smaller molecules and catabolites (waste, toxic and useless substances). for the body). In this form, the smaller molecules will then be able to be used by the cells and thus produce energy. Thus, by this mechanism, lipids are transformed into glycerol, carbohydrates into glucose and proteins into different acids.