Acupuncture against mental weariness

The practitioner will work on several organs to stimulate the energy or on the contrary calm it. The spleen, to eliminate the toxins that have accumulated there blocking the Qi (center of energies in traditional Chinese medicine). The lungs: an excess of "phlegm" leads to the refusal to pass in the future. The heart that must be re-harmonized to fight against mental weariness. To do it yourself, a small gesture that the Chinese repeat regularly to find the "fishing: one taps (with the tip of a pencil for example) the" point of the rebirth ". It is located on the wrist, at the level of the radial artery, in this small pit where the pulse beats.

Naturopathy for a dynamic re-entry

It seeks to limit the counter-coup related to the resumption of activities and the great energy fall of the fall.

In herbal medicine, prefer blackcurrant (juice, jelly, fresh berries) and even herbal tea: a few leaves in infusion, three cups a day. Also think of taking it in gemmotherapy (20 drops in the morning in a glass of water). Rich in vitamin C, it restores dynamism and balance. It also acts on the adrenals guaranteeing our vitality and our good morale. Excellent also the holy basil (or tulsi). Adaptogen has a beneficial influence on our psychic balance (in herbal tea in organic stores) or as a dietary supplement (megastress of Nature Plus, accompanied by vitamin B and magnesium).

On the side of essential oils: Bergamot oil is the essential oil of joy. You can breathe it, apply it at the wrists and the solar plexus (be careful, no sun because it is photosensitizing). Always do a kerf test before use as it can be irritating.

Dietary supplements: zinc gently boosts our immunity and consequently our vitality and our energy.

Hygiene: we brush our skin every morning with a dry brush, (at Body Shop for example). Californians love it. It is extremely revitalizing, euphoric and boosts energy for the day.

Homeopathy to chase away black ideas

You grind black, you do everything by duty rather than envy: Sepia 9 CH, two granules in the morning. You are passionate about your work but can no longer fulfill it to the end: Phosphorus 9CH two pellets at dusk. You get depressed in the day, but it gets better in the evening: Melddorhinum, 9CH two granules three times a day. You are agitated, anxious, anxious by nature: Arsenicum album 15CH two pellets at bedtime. Your dark ideas prevent you from sleeping and you rehash them: Thuya occidentalis 9CH, two pellets at bedtime.

A holistic massage of the belly, an organ of happiness

The belly is our second brain. Today's scientists are discovering what Chinese medicine has known for centuries. And belly massage is one of the best anti-depressants.

In Chinese, the An Shen massage fights negative emotions and focuses on areas of the body related to black thoughts. The belly, called organ of happiness, is relaxed, relaxed thanks to kneading, smoothing all over this area, flanks included. The energy flows again harmoniously throughout the body generating a feeling of happiness and euphoria (House Tui Na.).

With essential oils: after questioning the practitioner to refine her diagnosis and maneuvers she chooses a custom cocktail of essential oils (cedar, juniper, pine, clove ... for example) to chase tensions crystallized mind at the level of the belly. For 40 minutes there follow one another draining massages, deep that respect the natural sense of movement of fluids. The solar plexus is also worked in depth to chase the depression. Results: an immediate, obvious well-being that continues for several days (Embassy of Beauty, Biological Research.)

In self-massage: ruler to start the day in a good mood. Lying on your back with your knees bent, put your right foot on your left knee. You raise the pelvis and with both hands you massage the belly clockwise for 2 minutes with a harmonizing cream (Remodeling Care tummy-size Clarins for example). Same maneuver by changing sides. To do as soon as you get up and before breakfast. Tone and euphoria assured.

Thanks to Dr. Depondt Gadet, acupuncturist, Odile Chabrillac, Naturopath, to Dr. Quémoun, Homéopath.