Aesthetic medicine: piano at the dermato

It's out of the question to play with fire by having everything and everything injected, including new products that highlight their "CE" marking as a guarantee of safety. "I advise women to be injected only absorbable products, to require to know the name and, especially, to have a period of reflection before any intervention", hammer the doctor NP, dermatologist, on the cosmetic surgery. If only to have time to glean some information on the product in question. Because who says "correction and filling" necessarily says "injection of a foreign body" into the skin. So risk, even minimal, reaction.

Aesthetic medicine: it is important not to hide anything about one's state of health and the treatments that one follows, to allow the doctor to detect possible contraindications. In the radius of the most recommendable injectables, hyaluronic acids "pure juice" (that is to say, which contain no other component) arrive in pole position. "While knowing that to succeed in plumping, they must be dense enough, so very cross-linked," says the specialist. Always valid, the Perlane laboratories Q Med has, in recent years, proven its effectiveness. Among its competitors, the Juvederm 30 Eponymes laboratories and Hydraphill 3 Inamed laboratories. Injected by an expert hand, these products fill the hollows of a face a little emaciated, make a cheekbone a little more prominent, but also give back pep and density to a dull skin.

The operative sequences: there are none, except, possibly, a small blue or two, or a slight edema that resolves in forty-eight hours max.

The results: immediate and very flexible. "It's all about dosing and injection depth, but the effects can in no way be compared to those obtained by fat graft or Restylane Sub Q, very thick hyaluronic acid," says dermato, which concludes: "Soft and non-disabling, these shots are ideal for low-profile faces and for soft and unobtrusive users."

Lifetime: between six months and twelve months, depending on the case.

Price: from 350 €.

Aesthetic medicine: the fat transplant

"Reliable and perfectly developed, the fat transplant is, without a doubt, the best way to give a face its fullness," says Dr. PT, a plastic surgeon.

The only downside: it is an intervention that is performed in the operating room, under general anesthesia and, more than any other filling technique, requires the expertise of a specialist. It is governed by a very strict protocol, on which success depends. At first sight, the principle is simple. "We take a patient fat where it is most difficult to dislodge (breeches, knees or belly). It is purified, then reinjected with a cannula in the face to return its lost volumes, the areas of predilection being the cheeks, cheekbones and nasolabial folds, "says the surgeon.

The difficulty: the fragility of the adipocyte which, if it is a little malmené, melts quickly and fails the transplant. But this case is more and more rare.

Operative aftermath: it's useless to dream, we are not beautiful to see! The face swollen like a balloon, with some bruising and a feeling of discomfort that can last from five to fifteen days. The solution: go green until things are in order and the blues can be hidden under a camouflage makeup.

The results: at the end of the second week, we know if the transplant took well, but it will still be necessary to wait for three to six months to see the result. As a precaution, surgeons prefer to under-correct during the intervention: it is easier to make a few minor alterations under local anesthesia to rebalance the volumes in case of asymmetry or irregularity, than to remove an overflow of injected fat.

Contraindications: none, since there is no foreign body injected.

Lifetime: definitive. But as the face continues to lose fat over the years, those who want to keep their curves will be forced to start a few years later.

Price: between 1,000 and 3,500 €.

Aesthetic medicine: the temporary alternative

In aesthetic medicine there is also the technique of Restylane Sub Q. Composed of large beads of hyaluronic acid of biotechnological origin, this new implant clearly shows its ambition: to restore volume without inflating. "It's an interesting option, but its lifespan is limited and, therefore, can not fully replace the fat graft," said Dr. PT So, who to advise? To women who are afraid of the final result of the fat transplant and those who prefer to run a trial run before deciding. After making a small incision in the skin, usually at the level of the cheekbone, the specialist injects the product with a micro-cannula between the muscle and the bone. An injection which is carried out in small quantities, so that the distribution is homogeneous and thus avoid producing irregularities. That's it! Three quarters of an hour later, we can leave with just a mini-dressing placed on the point of intervention. The latter will become totally invisible after the healing phase. Postoperative course: edema and hematoma will probably appear for a week to ten days, with possible risk, but only punctual, itching.

The results: good overall, and especially immediate. The hollow of the cheek is filled, the cheekbones raised, the oval remodeled. The chin may be slightly advanced if necessary. A catch-up session may, however, be necessary one month later, in order to rectify a slight asymmetry or to increase the volume a little.

Contraindications: to be avoided in case of autoimmune diseases, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant treatments or recurrent herpes.

Lifespan: the laboratory announces eighteen to twenty months. But in France, we only practice this method for about a year, so there is little recoil.

Price: between 600 and 1500 €.

Aesthetic medicine: learn more

Prudence with aesthetic medicine
As injection rejuvenation techniques are very fashionable, new fillers and fillers are sweeping the market with often "long-lasting" very attractive promises. Mistrust. All do not present serious studies that prove their effectiveness, nor the safety of the patients injected. The advice of specialists: be wary of "mixed" products based on hyaluronic acid associated with components (micro-particles of calcium or synthetic origin), which may cause reactions not always controllable.

The melting of volumes is normal
"With age, everything moves in a face. The muscles lose their tone, the skin atrophies, the fat moves ... Even the bone ends up being touched, "says Dr. BM So, little by little, the" valley of tears "(located between the corner internal of the eye and the middle of the cheek) settles and the framework of the face collapses. This is the old thing of ugly hollows. "A problem that can affect young women (from 35 years), especially when they lost weight between 20 and 30 years," says the specialist.