Overload, fatigue, imbalance of personal / professional life, burn out, loss of self-esteem and self-esteem, creativity, courage, motivation, cooperation and solidarity ... nothing but to read the harmful consequences that can cause an excess of pressure in our lives, we have the pressure! But if you have to live with it, know that it is possible to manage it thanks to some simple tips, especially those provided by Audrey Akoun and Isabelle Pailleau in their book "I say finally Stop the pressure, 5 steps to break free".

The pressure can take various forms. Depending on whether it comes from outside or from ourselves for example, it does not have the same effects and is not handled in the same way.

Defuse the pressure ... positive

This pressure is positive because - in principle - it moves you forward.

The situation: You go up your box. you left your job to go solo.

Why we have the pressure: Change of life can engender the fear of failure, of not being able to go to the wall.

How to defuse this pressure: Behind every fear lies a desire. That of succeeding. But be careful to succeed for oneself and not for others; it's your life project.

Defuse the pressure ... on your surroundings

In this case, you put the pressure on others.

The situation: Your child has a bad grade and you are very unhappy. You punish him.

Why we have the pressure: We want the best for our children and eventually shine in front of others.

How to defuse this pressure: It is better to help him to advance than to bully him. This is not easy, but we must find solutions to do differently because learning goes through error.

under pressure

Defusing the pressure ... on oneself

This is often the most difficult to manage.

The situation: You get a dinner and stress because you want everything to be perfect, from the menu to the table decoration and the conversation.

Why we have the pressure: The fear of not being loved, the perfectionism that in these moments reaches its climax.

How to defuse this pressure: You have to accept not being perfect, letting go of the ballast, being authentic. Test the pasta dish once and find that the atmosphere is relaxed and just as good.

Defuse the social pressure

It's the one others (your employer, your family, and society in general) inflict on you.

The situation: You are summoned by your boss because you made a mistake in a file. You did not sleep the night before the appointment.

Why we have the pressure: The fear of the judgment of others generates the pressure because it comes knocking on the self-esteem.

How to defuse this pressure: By asserting yourself. It is essential to share your feelings, your needs. Beware of burnout that can arise by dint of devaluation. Communication is the key.

To go further: "I say finally stop to the pressure", Audrey Akoun and Isabelle Pailleau, ed. Eyrolles