Because wild caviar is gone

The caviar market has undergone profound changes. If it has made the reputation (and luxury) of caviar, the production of wild caviar in Iran and Armenia is now over. The wild sturgeon have almost disappeared.
At issue: the fishing excesses without respect for the environment and brutal routing
An end of exclusivity geographical which allows some French producers of caviar to propose (without blushing) their dishes at the starred tables but also at the sale.

French caviar: an ethical luxury

Buy French caviar is to afford a little luxury while playing locavore. There are 7 producers of caviar in France , sturgeon ponds being almost all located in the Aquitaine region. They are even 6 in this region and alone produce 24 of the 25 tons of caviar made in France.

The brands to know : Sturia, Caviar of Neuvic, Esturgonnière, Caviar de France or Caviar of Aquitaine.

As Laurent Duleau, director of the company Sturgeon (Sturia brand) explains, "the producers of the region have decided to unite and create the association Caviar d'Aquitaine, our goal is to protect and enhance the French caviar. A PGI should even be created early 2015 ".
The choice of tricolor caviar is to make a small pleasure and indirectly support French companies who themselves collaborate with local partners.

These do not only surf on a trend, they have a real know-how. We know less but most grow and produce caviar for a long time but sold until now in white markings found in supermarkets.

French caviar or quality assurance

Choosing one of these ultra-fussy brands is a guarantee of quality and taste much higher than for caviar now produced at low cost in China, Vietnam, Russia or Urugay. "We are a producer, not a trader of a fuzzy traceability caviar , " says Laurent Deverlanges, creator of the brand Caviar de Neuvic.

The production of French caviar follows ultra-strict European standards:
- breeding in quality water constantly renewed and without any treatment
- a sturgeon diet low in fat
- basins with the minimum of sturgeons
- a breeding cycle between 7 and 10 years for a perfect maturation of sturgeon eggs

So, if for a moment of exception or for the end of the year festivities we offered a few grams of French caviar ...

The brands to know: Sturia, Caviar of Neuvic, Esturgonnière, Caviar de France or Caviar of Aquitaine.