Calcium is an essential mineral for the health of our skeleton. Our bones, our teeth, but also our hair or nails need to stay in good shape.

It's not just milk in life

To properly digest lactose (a milk sugar), we need an enzyme called lactase. But the older we get, the less lactase we produce. That's why many of us suffer from digestive discomfort when they drink a big glass of milk or consume a lot of yogurt. If dairy products are hyper-rich in calcium, other foods contain good amounts. Alternatives to find in our slideshow for those who can not or will not reach the three dairy products a day.

What are the signs of a lack of calcium

We need one gram of calcium per day until the age of 65 and 1.5 grams afterwards. To be well assimilated by the cells, the calcium must be accompanied by vitamin D. Our body produces it when we expose ourselves to the UV (be careful not to abuse it anyway, 20 minutes a day on the arms and the face are enough). At this dose, he participates in the prevention of osteoporosis and repeated fractures. It also decreases the risk of cavities. Associated with potassium and sodium, it participates in the communication between the cells and the nervous balance of the body. A lack of calcium can result in dull hair, friable or easily split nails, canker sores, ... It is discussed with his doctor.