1/4 Losing weight belly: flat stomach goal!
Flat belly
Getty Images

To lose weight of the belly , in the plate, one leaking the food difficult to digest or causing bloating.

Dairy : In place of my white cheese 0% (certainly without fat but with lactose not top for digestion) I prefer a natural yogurt (it is a complete food that brings together proteins, carbohydrates and lipids . the label contains bifidus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and L casei.

Dish: We avoid the rice (it constipates). To lose weight of the belly, we take oatmeal, it is rich in fiber. All the fish are very good (except the breaded, of course!)
In vegetables, we prefer spinach, zucchini, grated cucumbers, green beans . We forbid legumes, red beans, white beans, butcher beans, lentils but also leeks, as well as all the vegetables of the cabbage family . In addition to ferment in the intestine they promote the production of gas from where the sensation of the inflated bottle.

Salads : Yes to salad leaves: lettuce, lamb's lettuce, watercress, chicory ...
salads of raw vegetables tomatoes, carrots, corn ... which cause bloating. We opt instead for a salad of antipasti, excellent with a drizzle of olive oil. Mmmm ...

Fruits : Some fruits contain sorbitol , a natural alcohol sugar that promotes gas production. We avoid apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches. We eat raspberries, strawberries, figs.

For a flat stomach, we replace the coffee with herbal tea (lavender, verbena, basil ...) that facilitates digestion. And especially no synthetic sweeteners.

To proscribe also, to lose weight of the belly :
- Mushrooms
- Chickpeas
- Onions
- Mayo
- Salted butter
- Dry biscuits
- Fizzy drinks
- Chewing gum (even without sugar)

2/4 Losing weight belly: Tips to keep a flat stomach
Flat belly, young woman on the beach eating a pineapple, excellent for the line

To slim down the belly , start by applying some common sense tips:

- It is important to eat slowly and chew your food . The more you chew, the more gastric acid your stomach produces, and the easier it will be to digest. You will avoid bloating . Good chewing also makes it possible to be satiated more quickly and thus to reduce the quantities.

- Do not space meals too much. Three hours are enough between each snack or meal, especially if you suffer from bloating. Beyond that, your stomach screams famine and you risk at the next meal to jump on cheeses, dry sausage and other enemies for the line.

- Eat calm, digestion will feel. Speaking, laughing, you swallow air and your gut appreciates moderately. Result: gases.

- For a flat stomach, drink plain water between meals (1.5L). Rich in magnesium, Contrex and Hépar water facilitate transit.

- We do not hesitate to bet on food supplements that act on the flora and avoid bloating. Our selection: Belly Flat of 3 Oaks Slimming, green clay and fennel; SOS Flat belly of Physiomins, clay and charcoal; Gerlinéa Flat Belly Nutrisoins Slimming for digestion and refine size; Juvamine's Belly & Buttock CelliSlim action, for a drainage and fat-burning effect.

Read: "A flat stomach in 5 days" Monica Grenfell Editions Marabout

3/4 Losing weight belly: move at your own pace!
Flat belly on the beach

Physical exercise: your best ally for losing weight !

Do you like to move? It's good, your abs too. Swimming is the best way to tone the abdominal strap .

You are not a fan of the pool or you do not want to ruin your blow-dry? Walk at least 30 minutes daily. Invest in a pedometer, this will allow you to check if you are doing your 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day.

Stand up straight. Poor posture affects digestion and breathing. By standing upright, you raise your ribcage and flatten your belly. In addition, your pace will look slimmer.

You are not a follower of the abs series and you want fast results. Give yourself a Slendertone System ABS belt . Our real favorite. At the rate of 5 sessions of 30 minutes per week, for one month, find a refined waist and tonic abs. There is also a reduction in cellulite.

Simple and ultra efficient , we put the belt to scratch, we set his program with the small remote (there are 7 programs: beginner, intermediate, sports ...), we increase the intensity of the electrodes according to his feelings and we let work. In addition it's nice!
Based on electrostimulation , Slendertone technology stimulates the nerve concentrations that control the muscles of the body and makes them work. As a real home coach , the belt has a smart system to memorize your work settings and automatically increase the level of exercises over sessions. A customized program that adapts to the needs of each user.

Slendertone System ABS
Price : 169 euros
Sales points: 0 810 34 74 50 or on www.slendertone.com

4/4 pro Massage for a flat stomach without sponginess
Anti-cellulite massage to have a flat stomach

Lose weight of the belly is also a question of cellulite ! And what is less sexy than these damn fat cells on the stomach?

To remedy this, we use and abuse of creams against orange peel , which have largely proven their effectiveness. In addition, massages performed during the application (always clockwise), relaunch the blood circulation .
Our selection: Roll-on Belly Anti-Cellulite Dish Garnier. Remodelant Belly and Clarins Care. Tonic belly of Dr. Pierre Ricaud.

Like the pros, you opt for anti-cellulite massages for a firmer skin:
At home :
We invest in a Disc Roller Massager . This device sculpts your body gently in 4 actions: kneading, vibrations, effleurage and heat . The rotating disc head reduces cellulite through the action of palpate-rolling combined with a hot air system, while the fabric head allows to massage the most sensitive parts of the body.
The Disc Roller Massager is used daily for 20 minutes in circular massage on the stomach. It is recommended to use massage oil for greater efficiency.

Disc Roller Massager
Price : 100 euros
Sales points: 01 45 31 39 69 or www.mondial-innovation.com

In Institute:
Direction Spa Renaissens, a real space dedicated to the form and well-being in the center of Paris. Equipped with the SPA JET (a state-of-the-art device that combines both the benefits of water and the effectiveness of infrared), the Spa Renaissens offers a tailor-made cure "Zero capiton" . Each session lasts an average of 1h30 and is alternately composed of a "Celluli Reductor" massage or a slimming wrap (alternating) the SPA JET program .
Practiced by the expert hands of Spa Renaissens "Celluli Reductor" consists of a series of targeted manual massages ( kneading and palpating-rolling ) designed to break up fat deposits and accelerate drainage and elimination .
Then enter the SPA JET (it looks like a UV cabin but the head is outside) where you will get a body scrub. Based on the principle of hydrofusion (a mixture of steam and infrared steam), SPA JET eliminates toxins through sweating, while attacking the deepest layer of the epidermis. (hypodermis) to burn fat cells (thanks to infrared). After a few sessions, the results are felt. The skin is smoothed, the cellulite decreases considerably and you lose inches around the waist .
Package of 12 sessions of 1h30
Price: 1100 euros

Spa Renaissens
16 Saint Marc Street
75002 Paris
Tel: 01 42 360 330