For a long time, you are thinking about using surgery to change the shape of your nose or to mitigate a small imperfection. You have heard about rhinoplasty without really deepening the question. We take stock of what you need to know before you get started.


Thanks to rhinoplasty, it is possible to refine its nose, to straighten it, to correct the tip, to make disappear a hollow, a hump ... Almost everything is possible in cosmetic surgery. But a golden rule applies: making the nose an element naturally integrated in the face. A successful nose is a nose that can not be seen! But what is rhinoplasty? An act of cosmetic surgery, but still?

When talking about rhinoplasty, it can be referred to two types of nose surgery. Functional rhinoplasty is part of restorative surgery. This is an operation most often related to ENT disorders. This includes restoring the nasal septum to allow the patient to breathe.

Corrective rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery. It is an aesthetic operation, which makes it possible to remedy a complex due to the morphology of the nose. From the small imperfection to the real malformation, it is now possible to almost all erase. These nose surgeries can be performed at the same time some times. In all cases, intervention can not take place until 16 years of age, when the growth is completed.


Before performing nose surgery, the patient must go to several medical appointments. Face to face with the doctor who is going to operate, they allow the patient to inform the practitioner of what she wants exactly. The latter then judges the feasibility of the request, accepts, refuses or directs the patient to other possible modifications. This step of dialogue is essential with regard to the operation that will follow. Modifying the shape or structure of his nose will change all the morphology of the face. The operation is therefore not to be taken lightly. To assist the patient in her choice, the doctor will propose simulation pictures to the future surgery.

In order to choose a cosmetic surgeon, it is strongly recommended to carry out extensive investigations. An inexpensive practitioner is not often a guarantee of quality, but a contrario, very high rates are not more. It is therefore very important to learn before starting and, if possible, to meet satisfied patients.


Depending on the nature of the procedure, nasal surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. It lasts between 1 hour and 1 ½ hours and requires 24 to 48 hours of hospitalization. The surgeon may decide to model the nose by an incision in the nostrils: it is called a closed lane. When the nose is open, it is called open surgery.

In recent years, ultrasonic rhinoplasty has appeared. Its high cost makes it a method still little used. But it should be democratized in the years to come for its practicality. The nose is in fact modeled using small ultrasonic instruments, greatly reducing the risk of breaking it in the wrong place. In addition, skins and vessels are not altered, allowing a faster recovery.


Depending on the operation of the nose, the convalescence period can last between 8 and 15 days. But the nose remains sensitive for about 1 month. During this time, it is advisable to protect yourself and avoid any violent or risky activities. It should be known that in the days following the surgery of the nose, certain disorders are to be expected. For example, headaches or painful hematomas and difficulty breathing. The first results are visible within 2 weeks whereas the final one can hang between 6 months and 1 year.


If the operation is the result of a purely aesthetic will, the act will not be refunded. Therefore, a substantial budget must be provided before considering the intervention. Depending on the defects to be corrected, nasal surgery costs between € 2,500 and € 7,000 on average. In the case of trauma, the Social Security and the mutual can take part of the rhinoplasty in charge.