Mechanism stimulation lpg

To do what ? Tonify the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, refine the skin texture, reactivate the radiance, thin the oval of the face.

How's it going ? The face is cleansed and then massaged with the head of a device, the Ergolift, which performs tissue stimulation through a more or less deep tissue aspiration, combined with a system of mini-valves that beats the skin to any speed. The sensation is very pleasant, relaxing even. Over the course of the sessions, the collagen synthesis is activated and that of hyaluronic acid increased by 80% (results validated by a scientific study carried out at the CHU of Besançon, starting from facial biopsies). First effects on wrinkles and firmness of the face seen from the 12th session (at a rate of one per week). Duration of care from 10 to 30 min.

Price: From 20 € to 60 € the session. List of equipped centers on 1 to 2 sessions spaced a month and a half apart.

Acupuncture lift

To do what ? Find a lighter complexion, firmer skin, a smoother grain.

How's it going ? After an energy balance that identifies the dysfunctions of the body, about fifteen gold needles (more hygienic than metal) are stitched on "points of attack", very quickly on the face (in less than 1 min) to provoke a simultaneous contraction of all the skin muscles of the face and neck. It's almost painless. The result is a 20-minute pose, then the needles are removed just as quickly. Normally, the skin is not marked. The result on the shine is instantaneous and goes crescendo the next 3 days. As the sessions progress, the skin becomes firmer.

Price: From 50 € to 200 € the session according to the practitioner. 5 one-month sessions are recommended from 40 years old. Then, 1 interview session at each change of season.

Micro-focused ultrasound (Ultherapy)

To do what ? Fight moderate slackening of the eyelids, oval, or neck.

How's it going ? The doctor applies an ultrasound gel then sweeps the area to be treated with his handpiece, while controlling on screen the targeted tissue layers and the energy dose delivered. Ultrasound heat stimulates the production of new collagen in deep subcutaneous tissues and "lifts" the skin. There are fleeting sensations of burning, such as oil splashes in the kitchen, which can be alleviated by taking painkillers 1 hour before the session.

And after ? Leaving, the skin is slightly pink for 30 min. Sometimes slightly swollen and sensitive to touch for 3 to 4 weeks. In principle, one session is enough. The effects appear in the following 2 to 3 months. An effect of 3 to 4 years is predicted. We are still waiting for studies on this method.

Price: From € 600 to € 1,200 for an area, € 3,000 full face.

It is in progress

Platelet concentrates (PRP)

After a blood sample, the platelets are isolated by centrifugation and then reinjected into the face to fill or stimulate tissue vitality. Rich in growth factors, they recreate living tissue. The product, coming from the patient himself, is well tolerated. But the lack of a standardized protocol and reliable studies prevent it from being recommended for the moment.

The injection of stem cells

Adipocyte stem cells taken from fat are isolated and reinjected into the face to reconstruct volumes. We are still lacking perspective. Patience.

Cryo-neuromodulation (frotox)

This cold injection (-80 ° C) temporarily destroys the targeted nerve fibers. The muscles no longer receive influx, they do not contract anymore. There is a lack of studies, but this treatment of forehead wrinkles without toxin is likely to be talked about.

Thanks to Thierry Michaud and Jean-Michel Mazer, dermatologists; Serge Lê Huu, plastic surgeon at Laclinic, Montreux, Switzerland; Céline Claret-Cocquet, acupuncturist.