The principle : "With the aid of a needle, an extrafine and sterile filament is slipped into each pilosebaceous canal up to the bulb. Then, a high-frequency current is passed, the power of which is at its maximum when it finally touches the "bottom", to burn the root of the hair. Given the hair cycles, several sessions are required, "explains Dr. Monique Pannetier , a technical specialist.

Advantages: In the long run, all hairs without exception are permanently eliminated, from the lightest (even the whites) to the darkest, regardless of skin tone. No contraindications. Recommended for face and breasts.

Bottles : A bit long and tedious. Shaving and shaving prohibited between sessions, since the treated hair must measure 5 mm.

Number of sessions to be expected : Six to seven per leg, spaced two months apart. Five to six for the jersey and armpits.

Side Effects : None. Be careful when rubbing clothes. It is forbidden to bathe and to expose oneself to the sun until cicatrisation (about three weeks).

Price From 70 € the session.