In just 16 years, Guillaume Musso published 14 novels. A review of the works that have marked the public.

  • "The daughter of Brooklyn"

Bestsellers and number 1 of presales, "The Brooklyn Girl" has met with great success and we understand why.

History plunges us into the heart of an investigation where emotions and suspense are mixed. After a violent dispute between Anna and her fiance Raphael, the young woman disappears mysteriously. Anxious, Raphael began to look for him. As the adventure unfolds, we discover Anna's heavy secret about her true identity and her obscure past. We are fascinated by this enigma that we want to solve at all costs.

  • «Central park»

Coming soon to the cinema, it will be necessary to wait before discovering a little more on the shooting and the casting. Time to plunge back into this intrigue that comes to life in a city that makes you dream: New York. One morning, Alice and Gabriel wake up handcuffed to a bench in Central Park. Alice's blouse, which starts in the police, is stained with blood and misses a bullet in her service weapon. They do not know each other and yet, together, the protagonists will try to discover what happened to them. An improbable encounter and a touching binomial, here is the recipe for an upheaval!

  • "The call of the angel"

Good news for the novelist. One of his best sellers will be adapted to the small screen. With headliner, Alexandra Lamy and Pascal Elbé, the series will be broadcast on TF1.

Separated by 10,000 kilometers, a man and a woman realize that they have inadvertently exchanged their telephone. Shared between indiscretion and curiosity, everyone searches the other's phone. They will then discover a secret that will link them forever ... Halfway between romanticism and the thriller, we become immersed in our turn in the relationship between two individuals that all opposes.

  • " Because I love you "

Layla, a 5-year-old girl disappeared in a Los Angeles mall. Five years later, Layla was found at the exact spot where her trail had been lost. Very alive, but plunged in a strange silence, we want to discover what has happened to the little girl. Between the anxiety and the sadness of the parents, we are touched by the humanism of this story while the twists keep us in breath until the last page!

  • " And after "

It is after a serious car accident that Guillaume Musso has the idea to write this novel. The story is poignant and invites us to reflect on our philosophy of life.

At 8 years, Nathan, incarnated in the cinema by Romain Duris, drowns in a lake trying to save a little girl. Diagnosed dead by the rescue services, the little boy miraculously returns to life. Twenty-five years later, Nathan is obsessed with his work until a doctor breaks into his daily life. The opportunity to discover why he came back to life.

With this thriller, Guillaume Musso signed one of his most ambitious and successful novels.

Thursday, March 30, the French writer publishes his fourteenth novel, "An apartment in Paris" which tells the story of a serial killer. Surprise, in this new novel the main character called Sean Lorenz, is a dead.

One thing is certain, the best seller of novels in France for six years has not finished surprising us ...