Everyone knows now, trans fatty acids are the big bad guys on our plates!
They are accused of many harmful effects : carcinogenic , responsible for cadiovascular accidents and bad cholesterol.
In short, a real nightmare for our health. Point.

Where do trans fatty acids hide?

Present naturally, but with very low amounts in meats and dairy products , trans fatty acids are mainly used by the agri - food industry, which is tempted to abuse them.
They can therefore be found in industrial biscuits , as well as bread , pizza dough "ready" , pastries or in your breakfast cereals.
With their conservative effect , they are also able to delay the rancidity of products and can serve as "deodorants" to mask certain tastes.

The population at risk?

The people most at risk of trans-fatty acids are, as are often the youngest of us. As teenagers and children are the biggest consumers of cookies and other pastries ...

How to avoid trans fatty acids?

- All "unnatural" foods , salty or sweet, should be consumed in very small quantities. So stop at the commercially purchased cookies. We start now at the pastry

- Beware of very high fat products . How to spot them? It's very simple: do not buy the products for which the fat is listed first on the ingredients label.

- Try to limit the use of vegetable oil in solid form.

- Never heat seasoning oils .