A new way of life

It's out of the question to spend the best day of your life in apnea under pain of cracking the seams of her wedding dress .

To get rid of these extra pounds, the principle is simple: adopt a healthy and balanced diet without frustration, following the recommendations of the PNNS.

And if you took the opportunity to review your diet? Avoid Nutella attacks and coke reflex. Eat light, healthy and balanced, it's possible. Provided also to revise his lifestyle.

I go to the kitchen

Losing weight requires reducing added fat, sweet or salty products. "Too much sugar in a meal increases insulin and leads to fat formation. In addition, fat, sugar and salt accentuate feelings of hunger and whet the appetite, " says Dr. Marie-Pierre Desvignes, a nutritionist in Sèvres (92).

Consequence, to avoid overdoses very present in the dishes ready, we get back behind his stove. No need to turn into a blue cordon when it comes to simply avoiding cooking fats. Use nonstick cookware. Prefer cooking in steam and grill wraps rather than sauces.

Adopt the olive oil or rapeseed reflex and limit the fats of animal origin (butter, cream). With the raw vegetables, add fresh herbs, spices, shallots, lemon juice, which give flavor and lighten the vinaigrettes while providing vitamins. And reduce the addition of salt in the cooking water.

I add fruits and vegetables

Difficult to miss the recommendations of the PNNS that are displayed everywhere: eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day, with each meal, focusing on variety.

Impossible ? To have. Instead of the traditional green salad, always make mixes: lamb's lettuce, kiwi, tomatoes, peppers ...

And put yourself in fruit salads. If you do not have the time, do not have any complex to use bagged vegetables, canned or frozen vegetables pre-cooked with steam ... During the diet, give preference to cooked vegetables.

I avoid frustrations

If fruits and vegetables are important, they should be combined with cereals, whole grain bread, potatoes, pulses, in reasonable quantities. The goal: to stall each meal to avoid frustrations and cravings.

Because in terms of diet, hunger is bad counselor and leads the famous "I cracked" and "I avenged on the Toblerone . To limit does not mean to delete. Be careful not to switch to diets dissociated (only one type of food per day), vegetarian , hyperprotidic or low calorie.

You lose pounds that you regain very quickly (the famous yoyo effect). But above all you accumulate fatigue, digestive disorders, deficiencies in vitamins, minerals ...

Example: the total absence of sugar leads to muscle wasting. Reducing or eliminating the meat or products of this group causes iron deficiencies, major deficiencies of young women.

On the contrary, it should be consumed at each meal, with a preference for lean meats such as chicken breasts and fish. Not to mention dairy products, natural yogurts and fresh cheeses, rich in calcium.

"Beware, however, cured meats and cheeses, the richest being Gruyère, which call for a supplement of wine and bread," says Dr. Desvignes .

I'm having fun eating

Each meal must turn into a source of pleasure and not be taken quickly on a corner of the table. To fight against overweight, it is recommended to take the time to eat at the table, family, the TV off, quietly and slowly.

It takes at least 20 minutes for the feeling of satiety to set in. We will vary the food, the colors and we will improve the presentation of the plates because it is proved that by having fun, we eat less.

I am moving

The energy expenditure produced by the sport will increase your muscle mass and promote "self-consumption" of fat in your body. Weight loss will therefore be faster.

But beware, just as doing abs is not enough to have a flat stomach , the sport itself has never lost weight. It comes as an accompaniment to a balanced and well-balanced diet. And for those who feel hives from jogging, at least half an hour of walking a day is recommended.

It's simple, just give up your car for short distances, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or just doing the housework: you burn as many calories as you ride a bike. Better, waxing his floor would be like sprinting.

Do not forget to drink about 1 liter and a half of water a day. Embellished with lemon or mint leaf, it will advantageously replace sodas. But do not think to make disappear all your kilos in three days because these will be eliminated in the form of water and muscle.

Losing 500 grams to one kilogram a week is a much more reasonable goal. Only, to lose weight on a good basis, it will be necessary to completely rethink his eating habits. A first step to anchor good nutritional reflexes, profitable to his close entourage and his family under construction.