The square is a timeless, stack in the trend of the moment. This is also confirmed by Vanessa Giani, head of training Jean Louis David: "At this moment, we find short squares, at the level of the maxillary.On opting for a tapered square, we customize this timeless cut. "

What is a tapered square?

Unlike the gradient, which gives a shape to the hair with shorter strands in some places, tapered its square is giving relief. Thus, you can tap a square right, a dipping square or taper a gradient square. "Taper is a finish to give material," says Vanessa Giani.

The tapered square for which result?

"We are tying?" This question, often asked by hairdressers, can scare us. However, Vanessa Giani would like to reassure us: "If the professional masters, he will personalize the taper and adapt it to your hair nature.When one shoots, one chooses a hairdresser in whom one trusts, it is better. "

Thus, on fine hair , if you taper slightly in tip, you can recover volume while on thick hair , it can instead taper to lighten volumes and give lightness.

"When the hairdresser taper, it adapts to the client: we can break the roundness of a face or on the contrary fill the hollow of an oval face," says our expert.

How to maintain it?

"At home, the fact of having tapered does not change the routine, but in the living room, on the other hand, the maintenance is almost zero since we do not repeat the tilting each time, so there is no point in return before 3 months, except to rectify the length or the color ... ", explains Vanessa Giani.

For her, tilting is a real plus, which brings a touch of dynamism in a square. " Hair styling, we put on the wavy , especially if you have fine hair!"