At the origin of the word "tattoo", there is Polynesia. This would be the mark of "what is deepest in man". It is in the Polynesian islands that the tradition of tattooing is growing. A real rite of passage, the symbolism is very strong: the tattoo is of divine origin. He is also very close to the social rank: the more the man is tattooed, the greater is his prestige.

What do Polynesian tattoos represent?

The Polynesian tattoo features very complex patterns, often geometric shapes and patterns from the animal kingdom. The Polynesians were tattooed all over their body, including the face. There are tattoos evoking deified ancestors, called "tiki". There are also animals such as lizards, turtles, whales, sharks, fish in the form of scales or bones or even swallows. The Polynesian tattoo can also represent the profession or activity of the tattooed, it reads the daily life in the islands.

The Polynesian tattoo today

He has resisted trends and time. The Polynesian tattoo retains its nobility and inspires many reasons. On the other hand, in the recent practices, it is especially the drawings originating from the Marquesas Islands that we find tattooed on our arms, in the hollow of the back or on our legs. To inspire you, Pinterest is full of Polynesian tattoos.