Want to buttocks better drawn, tonic and nicely shapely?

Overview of the best exercises to practice without equipment to display a curved ass.

  • Squats to give shape to the buttocks

Made very popular by social networks and by fitness gurus, the exercise of squats remains our ally No. 1 to carve our buttocks beto n every time.

This exercise involves mimicking the movement one makes when sitting in a chair, and getting up instantly. It is designed to work the leg muscles such as adductors, quadriceps, right internal and external muscles and especially small, medium and large glutes. A combination of the most effective to ensure refined legs while strengthening the buttocks.

Movement: Spread legs shoulder-width apart Inhale slowly bending the thighs, down the pelvis to the knees, pushing the pelvis backwards. Exhale when returning to the initial position. Repeat three sets of 20 repetitions. Be careful to keep your back straight, and to support the weight of the body on the heels.

To add to the movement, you can arm yourself with a kettlebell, weights or even a rubber band.

  • Donkey kicks to tone the lower body

The donkey kick is a movement perfectly complementary to the exercise of squats since it will solicit the gluteus maximus, allowing us to work one leg after another. Ideal when we feel muscle fatigue during our training. You have to work the movement three times a week to see results in the first month.

The movement: to rest on the hands and knees, then to stretch back a knee bent at 90 degrees, while inspiring. We stop the movement when the raised thigh is aligned with the bust. Lower the leg while exhaling, without putting the knee on the ground and start the same movement again. Repeat 3 sets of 12 very slow repetitions, alternating with other bodybuilding exercises such as the front slits. Avoiding arching your back during exercise will reduce its effectiveness.

  • The front slits to muscular and back up the buttocks

The front slits help to strengthen the quadriceps, gluteus maximus and hamstrings (muscles located at the back of the thighs): enough to give shape to the glutes while toning his legs at the same time! For more efficient movement, do not hesitate to gain the abdominal and lumbar muscles , which allows for more stability. We also think of looking straight ahead, setting a point if necessary.

Movement: start with feet together and hands on hips. Put one foot in front of the other so that you can bend the front leg 90 degrees and graze the knee floor at the back. Get up by pushing on the back leg to return to the starting position. Perform the exercise on the other leg, or perform all sets for that leg as a result. Exercise to be repeated in 3 sets of 15 repetitions. The important thing is to keep your back straight, and to perform the movement slowly.

Exercise can be difficult with a fitness bungee that is stuck in the center of the foot, and pulled upwards.

  • The bridge to firm up the abs-buttocks area

Ideal for working simultaneously abs, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings, this exercise requires a lot of rigor. It must be done very slowly, and accurately, to get the best results. The longer the time spent with the raised bust, the more effective the exercise will be. However, we can start by holding 20 seconds, then gradually increase the time of installation. The goal is to gain endurance, and succeed in doing more and more series of rehearsals over time.

The movement: lie on your back, raise your knees and place the arms flat along the bust. Very slowly, lift the bust by resting on the legs, and contracting both glutes and abs. Hold the position for about 40 seconds then go down slowly while exhaling deeply. The gesture is to be reproduced in 3 sessions of 15 repetitions, with a rest of about twenty seconds between each series.

  • The Fire Hydrant to sculpt the silhouette

Just like the exercise of donkey kick, the hydrating fire makes it possible to work one leg after the other: very useful in case of slight blow of fatigue. It allows to work the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, as well as the small and mid-glutes. Beginners can begin with three sessions of 10 repetitions. The more confirmed sports can go up to 4 sets of 20 repetitions.

Movement: The exercise of the hydrant fire is to get down on all fours, and to raise a knee, which is kept folded, 90 degrees on the side, until it is aligned with the hip. Make sure to keep your head in line with the bust, staring at the floor, to avoid any stiffness in the neck.

To intensify a little movement, do not hesitate to contract the abs.

  • The abduction of the hip on the ground to shape the curves

This exercise involves the small and the gluteus medius, which are on the side of the pelvis. The more we work, the more it helps to give definition to the top of our buttocks, which helps to give them their convex side.

The movement: lie on the side, with one arm holding the head, and the other folded in front of you, well supported on the ground. The exercise involves raising the upper leg without bending the knee and keeping the glutes well contracted. Lower the leg very slowly while exhaling. Repeat the movement without resting the leg on the ground. To repeat in 3 sessions of 15 repetitions.

Too easy ? We put a fitness elastic at the ankles.