It's a little companion that is all the rage! The ferret entered the club of New Pets, the Nac!

With him, we do not get bored!

The ferret is a small facetious mammal, playful, clever, curious, very funny to observe. And this fan-in-train will become a friend. He loves contact with humans , recognizes his master, seeks caresses. It can very well educate to cleanliness (tray and litter), and it is easily transportable thanks to its small size (about 1 kg).

Unable to stay alone

A day locked in his cage, it's not his thing! He needs presence, attention, trotting sometimes freely in the room, in short, it must be given time.

And when you let go of it in the house, you have to watch it and secure the room by putting in height what it is likely to taste or to make fall. Because he can do a lot of nonsense.

And as he remains "foufou" and player all his life, he must educate his character, teach him not to bite or scratch. Finally, it has a strong musky odor, particularly present at the time of love.

In his bowl

This carnivore with sharp claws (which is regularly cut), powerful canines and jaws, can eat prey but is content with croquettes in many small rations spread throughout the day.

And it's expensive?

From 80 to 100 € the anima l (prefer a male, more clumsy, so calmer) 250 € approx. veterinary fees (vaccines, sterilization, tattoo chip) the purchase of the cage (spacious in height) and its equipment.

Where to buy it?

Avoid pet shops (we do not know anything about its genetic origin from which its future health comes). Prefer a breeder or, better, a shelter or association: it is usually already socialized and clean .

Association sites : and

With Dr. Christophe Bulliot, NAC veterinarian and author of the excellent guide "My ferret, health, diet, behavior, all the answers to your questions! (Rustica Editions).