• Yes to the cumulation of the mandates ...

... vitamin C and caffeine. If you eat it alone, vitamin C is appetite suppressant, but when its molecules combine with those of the meal, it whips the basic metabolism (calories burned at rest) and digestive secretions.

In tablet (from 500 mg to 1 g) or in the plate: 1 orange = 79.5 mg of vitamin C, 1/2 grapefruit or 1 kiwifruit = 56 mg. To boost 3 to 4% more basic metabolism, treat yourself to an espresso. Take the supersonic line from 8 to 11% by operating the coffee maker every two hours.

  • The deadly anti-strike weapon

Antigras (fiber, crustacean shell like chitosan ...): just to see them, the beads make depression. They have chemo-electrical properties that allow them to trap fat and then convey it into the intestine so that it is eliminated naturally without rounding our hips. Swallow a tablet (sold in pharmacies) fifteen minutes before the first bite and a second during the meal if it is hearty.

In eco revival neohippie version: take 1 tablespoon of oat bran before each meal (except for fragile intestines). You will get a double effect: lipid sensor and transit booster.

Champagne, a drink with friends

© iStock

  • Plan out dry special elixir

The voluptuous light, yes, it exists! The raw champagne weighs 70 Cal the cup against 120 for the sweet one. Red wine is more gallant than white (87 Cal against 105). Raw (unsweetened) alcohol does not convert to fat in the body, a good part is even burned by our cells. The problem? It slows down the lipolysis - that is to say the combustion of fat by the body - with less than 30% in minimum price, and we approach the judgment with less 65% if we eat fat and sweet.

Above all, never give in to the association of malefactors alcohol-fruit juice or soda (even light), you would give the double green light to the release of insulin and the conversion of sugars into lipids, and therefore massive storage in adipocytes. If you prefer a strong alcohol, opt for a line "on the rocks" or cut with sparkling water (Scotch, vodka, gin: from 94 to 177 Cal). Enemies sworn because of receiving sugar: liqueurs, cooked wines (Porto, Martini ...) and beer (5 g / l).

  • Three zeros: winning match!

Zero toasted white bread: The rise in temperature disrupts the structure of wheat starch and drives up its glyx (glycemic index). Result: the sugar splits the kiss to get into the blood.

Zero fruit juice, even when pressed, and zero compote in the morning: the transformation of the pulp inflates the glyx. Bet on the vintage. For all: zero fruit and zero bread after starchy foods, the carbohydrate bill is elephantine.

Zero cherry tomato and carrot stick nibbling: yes, they play it feathers calorie, but their sugar intake is worth a fruit. Chewing alone threatens to awaken the pancreas, provider of insulin.

  • Benefactor associations

Maintaining the sodium-potassium balance in the cell walls offers an anti-water retention screen, essential in the face of the "love affair" between our gastronomy and salt (in fact, zap soda water: aerated, except Perrier) .

Fibers that reduce the absorption of fat are also added: foie gras asparagus tips or fresh figs or dried apricots. Turkey or game chanterelles, morels or other mushrooms salad or green vegetables. Cheese grapes or fresh figs without bread.

Christmas dinner

© iStock

  • Mouth watering

Ice is burning 60 Cal per day. This corresponds to the effort provided by the body to warm it to body temperature.

  • Silhouette à la carte ...

... like Monica Bellucci with curves in the upper body (breasts, belly). Natural calcium is used, which is more effective than tablets, thanks to the enhanced action of amino acids (0% milk, skimmed milk powder, tofu, Talians water, Contrex and Courmayeur). Calcium puts the turbo for the intestinal elimination of lipids and limits the manufacture of fat cells. The body captures 30% of milk calcium as water, with the advantage of the caloric nullity for the latter.

... like Jennifer Lopez with curves in her lower body. Protein! The triple bonus? Protein lysine activates growth hormone secreted at night, which boosts lipolysis. In addition, the body will consume six to ten times more energy to assimilate them than sugars and fats, so we burn more. Finally, they leave the pancreas in peace. Gold buttocks-hips-thighs often show anarchic insulin spikes related to hypoglycaemia.

Between two feasts: make a whole meal of lean ham, white meat, poultry, fish. The secret of top athletes: an omelette of four egg whites a whole egg. The whites provide the most powerful proteins - because the purest - for a post-feast reframing. Alternative: a day of high protein sachets.

  • We eat fiber

Before any alcohol or sweetness sweetness (including dark chocolate), we swallow a slice of black bread or full or two Wasa. Their fibers reduce the speed of passage of alcohol or carbohydrates in the blood. We store less. If the opening of the oysters prolongs the aperitif, one sucks a mentholated pastille. The taste buds make any taste detestable until the total eviction, and rather slow, of the first.

black bread

  • Reinvent hot water

Phase 1: five cups a day of green tea, preferably unfermented, take off the thermogenesis, our internal boiler. This activates the melting of newly stored fats. The bonus is immediately from 200 to 300 gr in addition.

Phase 2: Drain as soon as possible the emunctories, the purification stations of our excesses (liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines) with birch juice to dilute (in pharmacy), detoxifying infusions (hibiscus, dandelion, artichoke) and drinks and / or diuretic capsules (orthosiphon, frail, meadow-queen).

  • Magnesium infusion

Party = short nights tired = one devours. It is hormono-chemical: deranged, the ghrelin hormone is revenged by stimulating the appetite, while the leptin hormone, conductor of the satiety, has the hangover.

The solution ? High doses magnesic anti-fatigue. The winning trio: shells, mineral waters (Hepar, Contrex, Quézac) and green vegetables.


  • Chocolate, macaroon ... never solo

Mixed with all the ingredients of the meal, their astronomical glyx loses its plume and fast sugars behave (almost) in slow sugars. They become fuels of the digestion and it is scarcity for the adipocytes!