Hat is a rustic-sounding hatchet, the beret is to the French what the Birkenstocks are to our German friends: a cliché little glamorous and tenacious, which we would gladly get rid of.

But that was not to mention a certain Alessandro Michele who in two parades Gucci made the beret the new accessory hooked to sport in a nova geek mode decomplexed. Gigantic glasses, superpositions of vintage neo-romantic pieces: the beret is thus incrusted in a look of Sorbonnard of the Sixties that one had not seen in the vicinity of a podium since the fury Tavi Gavinson, late 2000s.

Let's not forget also to mention his hour of glory version streetwear, the beret having become in the 90s a fad fashion mode led by the big names of the pop MTV and especially by Samuel L. Jackson, only personality which still today the door with dignity. Short.

Since the surge Gucci, the beret has been seen on other parades (Acne, Saint Laurent ...) before being dedicated gimmick fashion of the season by Maria Grazia Chiuri, all silhouettes of the Dior show fall-winter 2017 being capped this accessory. But it was also in the street that he was seen. Between the unconditional cap and hat addicts, a third team was formed around this accessory almost folkloric. Loose and colorful, the streetstyles girls take it to the cool, on the back of the head, disheveled hair, far from the clichés of the last century.

The beret is self-sufficient, it is avoided to wear it with a specially elaborate hairstyle or earrings too imposing. The rest of the outfit can be retro but not too much, the goal being to avoid passing for a gucci dummy in full escape. The secret in reality, to wear the beret well, is to treat it like any other hat. Demonstration in the next slideshow.