In this collection of short stories that speak of women, reading at first glance simple and light, tells the living and mysterious force, the very one who does what we are all - and sometimes in turn - brave, fatal, cuckold , dreamers, perfectionists, teenagers ... or mothers. Laure de Rivières, of which it is the first book, plunges gently into the darkness of our being and takes the opportunity to question the notion of freedom.

"Freedom is less about doing one's will than about not being subjected to the will of others," wrote Jean-Jaques Rousseau:

A "flower of skin", realistic and full of humor, and on difficult subjects such as abortion or rape, these life stories outline a portrait of our time with all its moral and social questions.

In these multiple women a metamorphosis takes place, with the story that transforms our gaze on their life before / after in a barely perceptible slip. The surrounding things are gaining clarity. We savor our reading.

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