France remains the champion of repetition in Europe. According to the latest OECD survey, 38% of 15-year-olds have already transplanted at least once. Unlike our neighbors, in whom the transition is automatic and the level of education ... globally superior. Should we then abolish this device inherited from Jules Ferry or keep it as a lifeline?


? Redoubler allows you to catch your breath

When the child has not acquired the basic knowledge, such as deciphering a sentence at the CP or writing a second, or having had a very difficult year due to problems outside the school (moving, separating or dying a loved one), to start again the program allows him to regain his foot smoothly, to get back to level. "It's not a sideline or a random orientation, but a second chance, a year of transition, to bring us back to success," says psychologist Jeanne Siaud-Facchin , author of Help the child in academic difficulty (Poches Odile Jacob).

? One year to better organize

Sometimes the student "drowns" in the program due to a lack of working methods or other difficulties of autonomy. An additional year allows him to mature his judgment and his ability to think.

? It is used in some cases to

"In high school, the young person asks for redoubling when he has a precise orientation project (baccalaureat, S or preparatory class), but not quite the level," says Carole Wiart, school counselor at the School of Parents. This year, decided by the student, allows him to consolidate his achievements. "


? An overall inefficient measure

"All the studies demonstrate, the repetition does not bring systematic benefits, explains Thierry Troncin, trainer at the IUFM of Burgundy and author of a thesis on the subject. A survey of 4,000 children in our department shows that repeaters of CP are less successful at school than students admitted to CE1. "

? Demotivating and even psychologically dangerous

"Repeating a year is often synonymous with boredom, even psychological suffering," says sociologist Marie Duru-Bellat, "and can give a bad self-image. We stick a label to the child that it will be difficult to get rid of. "

? A system often unfair

"Children who redouble come from often disadvantaged backgrounds, whose parents do not dare to face the school," says Thierry Troncin. Depending on class, school, policies and family determination, the decision varies for no scientific reason. "

? It would be better to do academic support

On the decline in France in primary education, but still very high in secondary education, repetition would cost the National Education not less than 2 billion euros a year , equivalent to 25,000 teaching posts. His opponents highlight the number of hours of personal support each child could receive with such a budget.


Relativisez. Redoubling is not a drama. If one is necessarily a little disappointed, one must keep it for oneself and show the child that it retains our total confidence. Leave him alone this summer! He is entitled to a holiday and a rested mind before the start of the school year. Shake his daily life. "Do not hesitate to change the school, to offer another language, a new hobby," advises Carole Wiart of the School of Parents, the important thing is to take advantage of this new year to get rich. "