Research on alternative medicines up sharply

French more and more in search of well-being? In any case, this seems to highlight the barometer Yellow Pages Health 2015. The site lists 245 million researches on health professionals in 2014 on 1.4 billion searches the same year. And the biggest increase is in alternative or complementary medicines, which registered 61% research compared to 2013.

Hypno-therapy and magnetism widely acclaimed

The most popular alternative medicine in 2014 is hypno-therapy, which is up 62%, or 196,217 searches. You have already been told about hypnosis as a way to slim down but these are not its only virtues. Then comes the magnetism which shows a rise of 52% over 1 year with nearly 279 000 searches on the site . Hypno-therapy and magnetism still remain behind the sophrology in the top 3 of the most trendy alternative medicine with a number of 735 000 searches in 2014.

Specificities by regions

We find in the list of regions most followers of alternative medicine: the Loire-Atlantique, Ille-et-Vilaine and Côtes d'Armor.

The Yellow Page Health Barometer 2015 also showed a particular trend for certain alternative medicines particularly in other regions. To find out which ones, click on our infographic.