The numbers are not very encouraging: more than 90% of people who have followed a diet end up gaining weight.

These results prove above all that a punctual diet is ineffective: in order not to regain weight, it is necessary to modify one's lifestyle and definitively adopt good habits.

  • Set a weight range

No need to expect the same weight every day, all year round. Life is made of hazards: a big cold, two weeks stressful at work ... These small events can cause a variation of weight.

Rather than focusing on an ideal figure, we therefore evaluate a reasonable range.

Our goal: to accept variations, but not roller coasters, and we always stay within the range we have set ourselves.

  • Take a year-round subscription in a gym

Whatever sport you do, it is essential to do it regularly , avoiding long periods of interruption.

Hence the interest of the annual subscription. Not only are the rates lower, but you also have to go all year round.

We also think about the subscription for two people: again, the reductions are often interesting, and as a bonus, we have a partner to discourage us from skipping a session.

  • Eat with pleasure

When starting a diet, motivation is still intact, and good resolutions seem easy to keep.

With time passing, the visible loss of weight can be a new encouragement. Once the diet is over, the risk of giving in to greed is the highest.

In addition, eating releases the pleasure hormone, dopamine. Constant deprivation therefore affects morale. The solution: to be gentle once a day, to a reasonable degree.

Breakfast is the best time to indulge in a little fun: the ingested calories will then be spent in the day, and you can always make up for it with a lighter lunch.

And in any case, it avoids industrial pastries. For example, we will replace the chocolate bread with a piece of baguette with a square of dark chocolate.

  • Storing the balance

It's a vicious circle: the fear of gaining weight is very often a stress factor , which in turn leads to weight gain ... The pounds also depend on what happens in our head.

So, to avoid this anxiety, we try to forget the hunt for the pounds . That's the point of good habits: in the long run, they have to become so natural that you do not even think about them anymore.

If we managed to put in place healthy reflexes about buying food, preparing meals, regular physical activity, no need to continue weighing ourselves daily or counting calories.

We immediately put in the closet scales and grids of calories to be more serene.